The once vibrantly red novakid is still unconscious, though by now he's drifting very far away from the shop. The muted blue novakid breaks himself out of his emotionless gaze and reaches out a hand at Tarin. Vinyl McCrea, pleasure to make your acquaintance. The airlock doors remain open before gradually coming to a close.
Laurin also snaps out of her frozen state and turns to the blue Novakid. Mr. McCrea... I don't think I know what you do.
As of now I will be head of medicine. And I'm glad you asked, as everyone will be required to take a physical.
: Emergency shut down disengaged : Analyzing post shut down data : Print : "Oh, I'm glad that situation worked itself out, without any structural damage" : "As for the killing of fellow staff I would advise that in the future you offer the affected party(s) an alternative instead of the "gung ho" approach. : "Mr. McCrea, before you start I would like to acquire from you some verification of your knowledge in the medical field, any documents regarding history of post actions and health, as well as verification that you are in fact directly descendant of Acrow. I assure you that this is nothing personal, I would just like to make certain that new staff are actually qualified and are not going to attempt to eat my existing staff."
: Enable default response settings : Print : "Excuse me for not introducing myself earlier, I had noticed you enter but at the time I was quite occupied. Forgive me if I came across as crass."
Meanwhile, Laurin is inwardly and almost visibly panicking at the robot's mention of Acrow's death. What do you mean, "killing of fellow staff?" Nobody's killed anyone, Mr.... That was probably the worst thing she could've said. She's a terrible liar.
May I just say, it's a pleasure to finally see a(n) APM.14 in person, though I see you've.. changed a few parts around. Specifically I see you've suffered some damage to your antennae, which I'll be glad to take a look at. As for my qualifications, I've served 40 years as a marine, ten of which I spent as an interpreter, and twenty as a combat medic. Most of my medical training came from field work, as well as the mentorship of my adoptive father. I've left all the documentation at the shops entrance. But again, it's a pleasure.
: Print : "It seems that you've come well prepared. Once I look through your papers I would gladly allow you to examine. I'd do it myself but that has always proved to be a difficult if not impossible task to accomplish without causing further damage."
I've heard of cases where specific models reached high levels of sentience and disemboweled entire crews worth of people. Know anything about that?
: Reviewing stored data : "I do recall such instances such as that, certain response protocols become conflicted resulting in what developers would refer to as "complications"." : "I assure you that I have no such history."
Vinyl does not shift his gaze away. Except to look at whatever just bursted through the doors. What the hell was that?
That's Zetta. The other one of our Explorers... The first one, actually. She seems a lot calmer now that the earlier incident's been overlooked.