Crossfang's shop: The RP-ening Before you start, there are a few things you should ask yourself... What am I doing here?: This is a roleplay thread for the already established Crossfang's shop shopping thread, "The one and only pixel to pixel trade center!" Before you do anything here check in over there for information on how the shop works and how to get a job. Now that I'm here, what do I do?: This is where job corner contracts will be fulfilled and where character to character interaction will occur. I do ask that all forum rules and RP forum roles are followed. In case you didn't see them on your way in they're located at the front of the thread list. [ Important note ] This thread and the shop are currently under renovation. That means things are getting moved, changed, rearranged and so forth. Activity on here may be slow at first while I finish on important details and inter-workings between the shop and RP. This should only last for a short time. Until then, Shop-bot amp.14 will be hard at work getting everything in order. [ Job Corner data sync achieved! ] Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Crazy Phil9001_1 I'm building a maze, an easy one. I want you to become the first to try . Goodluck Reward: 300 pixels Exp: 30 COMPLETED : quitaren12 -------------------------------- Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Henny Loops My family heirloom is missing. I lost it while playing in the woods. Please help me get it back . It's a necklace with three skulls on it. Reward: 350 pixels Exp: 35 COMPLETED : quitaren12 --------------------------------- Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Crazy Phil9001_1 I'm building a maze, an easy one. I want you to become the first to try . Goodluck Reward: 320 Exp: 30 -------------------------------- Job rank: B Job lvl requirement: 3 Task Master: qwzbovsndfsj I need thermal readings on this coordinates. (1233312,321331) Soil and water samples are also needed. Draw the surface map on your landing area. Reward: 500 pixels Exp: 45 Optional Task: There is a rumored information that this coordinates are reach in proteilite ores. The cave system was rumored to be tricky and dangerous. I need 200 of these ores. Job Helper Required: Gatherer lvl 2 Optional task reward: 500 pixels Optional task exp: 40 Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: 1 Task Master: Bartlonomew Furtostel I need the following: 5 Mousepaders 10 Smice salts 10 Goulthon Ratinades Reward: 100 pixels Exp: 80 PENDING: Apathy ----------------------------------- Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Mr.Poopybutthole 777 I need ingredients for my recipe called dungcakes Ingredients: 1 kg Manore salt 8 ounce Shitake Reward: 420 Exp: 25 COMPLETED : Lonewolf239 ------------------------------------ Job rank: B Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Smidget I'm running low on Fouldcoal and I feel sick today. I want you to mine some for me. Reward: 550 pixels Exp: 40 ----------------------------------- Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Omnipet1000 I need you to extract 3 ounce of Felbird Blood. This creatures sleep 90% of the day. Reward: 400 pixels Exp: 30 --------------------------------- Job rank: B Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Tosuticob Cortdo I need this Chasegems found below the planet of Coushra. They're easy too find as they make weird noises in their surroundings. Reward: 650 Exp: 60 Optional Task: I also need Coushra Stilt Stones Which can be obtained from Jouvstone beasts. Job Helper Required: Slayer Optional task reward: 900 Optional task exp: 70 Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Slayer Task Officer (STO)Kathleen Loentgen Defeat: 100 beanslimes Reward: 200 pixels Exp: 30 --------------------------------- Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Slayer Task Officer (STO) Gurjill Defeat: 10 Magmacats 5 Roastcroaches 1 Bumblebear Reward: 395 pixels Exp: 40 --------------------------------- Job rank: B Job lvl requirement: 1 Task Master: Betty Vilg'to I need a bodyguard for 3 days. This upcoming business of mine is very important. I need you to protect me at all costs. Reward: 700 pixels Exp: 40 --------------------------------- Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Gold Brown I want to hire you and kill this being Name: Halander Zoonsel Reward: 500 pixels Exp: 25 --------------------------------- Job rank: A Job success rate: 84% Job lvl requirement: 10 Task Master: Master Xaion A thief gang called the "Serpent Creeks" are stealing pixels in our bank. I need someone to guard my house. They are after my "scroll of shadows". This scroll can teach you stealth and control of the dark at the price of your soul. It is worth 5 million pixels. I'm too old and frail so I need soeone to guard me until my grandson will arrive. She is coming home from another planet. Reward: 800 pixels Exp: 45 Optional Task: Apparently, I saw this gangs eating at their favorite diner. They all gather there every Sunday. Hire someone that can cook or anyone that knows how to cook and add sleeping powder in their food orders. Killing them straight inside the diner will make the building destroyed. So, once they're asleep, carry them outside and execute them. Job Helper Required: Lvl 11 Chef Optional task reward: 1500 pixels Optional task exp: 100 Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Moulderdash I require molten brand sword for my collection. Make me a durable one Reward: 400 pixels Exp: 35 --------------------------------- Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Blacksmith Task Officer (BTO) Winston Churheat Forge: 10 stoneblades Reward: 355 pixels Exp: 50 --------------------------------- Job rank: B Job lvl requirement: 1 Task Master: Jurador Happy_Whills I want you to attach a blade in my trust Gustrifle. The blade should be camo-colored , small and hard. Reward: 600 pixels Exp: 40 --------------------------------- Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Sharah Quelt My blades needs sharping. I want them to look good as new. Reward: 700 pixels Exp: 20 --------------------------------- Job rank: A Job success rate: 75% Job lvl requirement: 7 Task Master: Udoun Diddlebod I love weapons that came from rare beast parts. I have this Bolton teeth. Make me a stylish and deadly chainsaw from it. Add some packbatteries so I can just charge it when its power is low. Be careful with the materials, it's rare! Reward: 2000 pixels Exp: 70 Optional Task: I want to get Chlorikal Arrowroots but they're hard to find. This things are tricky to get. If you have one, Can you make me a Staff out of it? Job Helper Required: Gatherer lvl 10 Optional task reward: 3000 pixels Optional task exp: 80 Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Foodmaster_12 I want to eat chicken fries. Make me at least 10 servings. Reward: 450 pixels Exp: 40 COMPLETED : Miss Alkane --------------------------------- Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Yolanda Zenithen Cooked Ricebuns are hot this season! But every time I go to the bakeshops, they are always sold out. I've been busy lately and I want to try atleast a bag of them or 3 pieces. Reward: 355 pixels Exp: 35 COMPLETED : Laurin Alkane --------------------------------- Job rank: B Job lvl requirement: 1 Task Master: Food Task Officer (FTO) Cook: Scallobod appetizers Frittlewing canapes Sour Welberry shortcakes Reward: 500 pixels Exp: 60 --------------------------------- Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: 5 Task Master: Timmy Can you make bitterbuds? Bitterbuds are delicious delicacy in our planet. I want you to make me one so I can give it to my girlfriend in another planet. Reward: 300 pixels Exp: 30 --------------------------------- Job rank: B Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Chef Shizzle Fo Hizzle I need kitchen a sous chef in my restaurant today. The place is busy and my sous chef had an accident last week and I don't even have a relief chef. I need someone to help me efficiently. P.S Don't make fun of my name, they are legit. Reward: 400 pixels Exp: 30 Optional Task: I want you to do overtime and take over my place for a while. Making the main course, Fo Dizzle House Special, needs a medical degree to make. Before becoming a chef, I was a doctor. Anyway, a good doctor can help you maintain the freshness of the meat by creating a sub-aging meat solution for Ulgan meats. Job Helper Required: Lvl 10 doctor Optional task reward: 1300 pixels Optional task exp: 75 Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Doctor Task Officer (DTO) Judy Zeenman Operate: 10 burn victims at the Verlion Soldier Camp Reward: 300 Exp: 35 COMPLETED : Lonewolf239 --------------------------------- Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Doctor Task Officer (DTO) Mangler Create: Paralyze Potion Reward: 300 Exp: 35 --------------------------------- Job rank: B Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Irene Odoupus My loved one is dying of cancer. I don't have much pixels but it would be great if you can help. Reward: 400 pixels Exp: 90 --------------------------------- Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: 7 Task Master: Peter_000 Need Lowbone solution. Fast. Life Danger. Mercy. Reward: 450 pixels Exp: 35 --------------------------------- Job rank: A Job success rate: 50% Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: International Gregore Hospital We need a doctor to cure the leader of Shtokans. The Shtokan leader has a cancer on his dorsal fin area. He might die if you operate him wrongly. If you can't cure, atleast ease his pain by making a strong sedative for a Shtokan being. Reward: 1200 pixels Exp: 120 Optional Task: Scientist from other galaxies have good research about the cancer . They found out that the spear of Gruu has properties that may heal the Shtokan leader. But to get this properties, the spear should be destroyed. An experienced blacksmith can destroy this spear without losing its properties. If suceeded, Iwant you to make the potion and operate the Shtokan leader. Job Helper Required: Blacksmith lvl 3 Optional task reward: 2000 pixels Optional task exp: 90
: Accessing pixelshop_servers... : Link established : : Crossfang's Shop - Job Corner data files : Enter pass phrase : *********** : Accepted! Job Corner now re-open!
Hmm. I'm still a bit confused about these new jobs... Ah well. Best to get back into routine while I still can. I'll take this job! Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Yolanda Zenithen Cooked Ricebuns are hot this season! But every time I go to the bakeshops, they are always sold out. I've been busy lately and I want to try atleast a bag of them or 3 pieces. Reward: 355 pixels Exp: 35 Ricebuns are a Human food... Humans have done plenty of research on their foods. But still, that doesn't completely eliminate the possibility of foul play... Cooper, this probably won't be anything but routine, but can I ask you to be watchful?
Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Henny Loops My family heirloom is missing. I lost it while playing in the woods. Please help me get it back . It's a necklace with three skulls on it. Reward: 350 pixels Exp: 35 This Henny Loops and his necklace sound a little occult, however I'll gladly find the heirloom. Hopefully with no undead skeletons rising from the grave.
Job rank: C Job lvl requirement: N/a Task Master: Mr.Poopybutthole 777 I need ingredients for my recipe called dungcakes Ingredients: 1 kg Manore salt 8 ounce Shitake Reward: 420 Exp: 25 Oh hey, I just so happen to know a guy. Let you know how it goes. You can do whatever you want with the ingredients, as long as I know I'm getting paid.
I DO WHAT I WANT. Since I'll be out though, I'll be gathering some ingredients to make medicine. Perhaps a couple of potions. If you see where I'm going with this.
Wait I don't want to be your test subject, maybe you could at least sneak some of your potion into one of Alkane's cupcakes?
NO.. However. Maybe some legitimate certificate or something like that would say remove all doubt. NOT DOUBT FROM ME, but from the others in the group, because you're new. *cough*