Crossfang's Gaelicbound Workshop (SV branch)

Discussion in 'Fan Works' started by Crossfang, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. Crossfang

    Crossfang Supernova

    Thanks Rex! [​IMG]
    Calm down now.. or else... you'll barf blood next. [​IMG]
      Rex Blackbeak likes this.
    • dipleythemooseman

      dipleythemooseman Space Hobo

      omg im such a dumbnut for not checking this in like two days ;-; (ive been distracted with huniecam :p)

      its so perfect and the dress looks amazing!!! thank you so so so much <3 ahhh i really appreciate it

      (and just as an edit, the dress suits her much better >.> I wish we had dresses to choose from in the game! :urgh:)
      • Crossfang

        Crossfang Supernova

        EDIT: can someone provide me a gif of a fighting shadow brute? I think this is better to add than slimes in my next work.

        *wipes sweat from forehead*
        Whew, thanks for agreeing with me! [​IMG]
        and you're [​IMG]

        Oh, no dress in SV? that's a shame.
          Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
        • Rgbunpro

          Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

          My goodness, this has certainly picked up. Good work crossfang.
            Crossfang likes this.
          • Crossfang

            Crossfang Supernova

            Just doing what I've been told to do. hehe. [​IMG]
              Rgbunpro likes this.
            • zcsnightmare

              zcsnightmare Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              I gotcha

                Gabaw, rhomboid and Crossfang like this.
              • Crossfang

                Crossfang Supernova

                Thanks a bunch! also, what's that badass sword you're using?
                  Firebird Zoom and zcsnightmare like this.
                • zcsnightmare

                  zcsnightmare Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  Retexture pack I made for the weapons, if you're talking about the first one I was using (I was using a weaker one on the shadow guy so he wouldn't die so quick)

                  The first one is Soul Edge, from the Soul Calibur series.


                  White-blue one isn't from anything in particularly.
                  • Crossfang

                    Crossfang Supernova

                    Thanks! what about the helmet/armor you're using? Is that from SC too?
                      Firebird Zoom likes this.
                    • zcsnightmare

                      zcsnightmare Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      Yup, I need to spend some time editing the arm sprites so I can get the cool monster arm thingamajig lol
                        Firebird Zoom and Crossfang like this.
                      • Crossfang

                        Crossfang Supernova

                        I think playing with a soul calibur character on SV is OP.[​IMG]
                        • Crossfang

                          Crossfang Supernova

                          This is what I've finished today .I made a new panel in my OP called "own projects". It means art made by me ,requested by me. [​IMG]

                          This is what Crossfang would look like if he's going to Stardew Valley.


                          Chibi Farmer Crossfang
                          • rhomboid

                            rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3

                            *pinches cheeks*
                              Firebird Zoom and Crossfang like this.
                            • Rgbunpro

                              Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

                              This seems like an appropriate place to tell you so...
                              I named a cow after you in my game I never realized how weird it would be to say "I can finally milk Crossfang!" Until I said it out loud.
                              • Crossfang

                                Crossfang Supernova

                                Oouucchhh! Y u pinch me? [​IMG]

                                Show me and I'll lol and believe you.
                                  Firebird Zoom and rhomboid like this.
                                • rhomboid

                                  rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3

                                  • Rex Blackbeak

                                    Rex Blackbeak Spaceman Spiff

                                    :nuruhype::nuruhype::nuruhype::nuruhype: *Dies of Cuteness* :zombie::zombie::zombie::zombie: *But suddenly comes back to life* Srry bout that! *suddenly pukes blood* ughh.... crap...
                                      Firebird Zoom likes this.
                                    • Rgbunpro

                                      Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

                                      Challenge Accepted M8
                                      • Crossfang

                                        Crossfang Supernova

                                        That's like the very opposite of Crossfang. [​IMG]
                                        This made my day happier, thanks!
                                          Firebird Zoom likes this.
                                        • Rgbunpro

                                          Rgbunpro Cosmos Killer

                                          Wait does that mean that you're not a cow or that you always have milk?
                                          You're welcome dude.
                                            Firebird Zoom and Firepaw Da Cat like this.

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