REQUEST Crops specific to a region

Discussion in 'Mods' started by jamin724, Sep 27, 2017.

  1. jamin724

    jamin724 Space Hobo

    Hello, I would love it if someone has or could make a mod specific to a region on the globe. For example I live in North East of the United States so we do not get oranges or pomegranates. I know this may sort of break the game a little with gift's, recipes, and where to place made up items. It will be both fun and educational to learn what grows here and in other regions around the globe.
    • sunlite

      sunlite Pangalactic Porcupine

      You could just remove the items you don't want from the ObjectInformation file. Would this mod just technically be omitting certain crops that don't grow in the Northeast?
      • jamin724

        jamin724 Space Hobo

        If you were to use the north east as an example yes. I mean it doesn't have to be specific to the region it could just be something the region is known for. For example one thing the northeast is known for is maple syrup but you could get it anywhere there are maple trees. It would be fun just to know lets say US southwest or South east.
        • Voltaic123

          Voltaic123 Pangalactic Porcupine

          just dont plant those crops then... I think it'd be a better idea to have a mod that implements regional crops that aren't already in the game, if you really wanna stick with your region thing.
            sunlite likes this.
          • jamin724

            jamin724 Space Hobo

            I like that idea too I just don't know what is possible with modding. Also I know what grows here in the Northeast but I do not know what grows in other regions so I can't not plant what I do not know. That is a horrible sentence.
            • sunlite

              sunlite Pangalactic Porcupine

              I agree with what @Voltaic123 said about adding regional crops instead of omitting certain crops. Maybe it's just me, but don't you like to have a larger crop variety? Also, I think stardew valley is a fictional region itself, and all the crops grown in SDV are what you can consider native to the area. SDV is a fictional game and doesn't represent any real part of the world, and I think the developer intended it to be as such.
              • jamin724

                jamin724 Space Hobo

                @sunlite if you want more crops that is still an option in the normal game what I am stating is something that would be fun for me or maybe anyone who wanted to learn maybe a little bit about farming.
                  HopeWasHere likes this.

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