Is this possible? and if so how difficult would it be? I would like to add more character backstories and extend some of the families living in Pelican Town. Any help/tutorials would be greatly appreciated.
I know I've seen it done, so to answer your first question: Probably. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to do that. You could probably message some of the people who have done it, and they might be able to send you their code or something. But it is possible. Good luck!
Thank you! Maybe something will come my way. I'm just in the early process of changing existing dialogue.
Its possible, I've done it! Granted, I'm waiting for 1.1 to upload it, but its completely possible! I have two living, breathing, unique NPCs!
I hope it's available soon and that this new version is worth getting.I have heard both good and bad about it.
with the 1.1 update, a bunch of my work has to be redone, and thats kinda put me off ;-; theyll hopefully be on soon. The main files you need to edit are NPCGiftastes and NPCDispositions. Then add portraits, schedules, and character sheets. You'll need to edit animationDescripritions too.