Modding Help Crafting UI: Moving Displayed Item Card Info

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Dilrax, Sep 24, 2015.

  1. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    iv started working on some custom Crafting station Window UI's for my year 2 mod project, instead of using the regular starbound crafting Window UI size and layout just reskined, i thought i would try reshaping the entire window its self to add further uniqueness by basing it off the shape of the Crafting Station its for. [​IMG] unfortunately as it all appears to be working well enough to a degree, i cant seem to move the Item Card information of the chosen item around.

    by Item Card, i refer to the item details shown on the right when selecting an item, as marked by the red boundary, on the blue UI below, such things include item preview, name, icon, stats/info, rarity, ect.

    the issue at hand is on the Orange UI window Displayed in the above, the Item Card info doesn't line up with the indicated area marked in green due to the width resize being larger compared to the original UI width, from the little i have actually found about this, i have read it might have something to do with the ".itemdescription" and patching it, but what exactly would i need to do and how would i ensure that the .windowconfig use's the .itemdescription file if that is indeed the case.
    NOTE: i am still in the process of editing the display alignment of the Orange Crafting Windows UI so please ignore slight alignment mismatch of the entire left side, such as the search bar for example.
  2. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

    Just modify the .itemdescription files and it should change on all crafting tables.

    You'll need to adjust the vanilla UI for any changes you make as well.

    Edit: I'm guessing you read this
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2015
  3. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    koi h
    that was one of the forums I skimmed over, which was helpful in a way, though wouldn't changing .itemdescrips also apply that change to all, vanilla and/or mod? I'm not so good with the hole .patch thing due to my lack of knowledge so I can only assume theres more to it then simply just that, as I can guarantee that something will crash, tried it once before, think it was depicted as a duplicate... Soo any thurror details and/or explanations would be more helpful to me as short answers don't really cut it, just leaves me confused with a clue, sorry if I sound like I'm complaining or any thing negative btw.
  4. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

    Yes. Changing the files would mean that it will change on all crafting tables which I mentioned before. Vanilla, mods, everything.

    My suggestion is that you don't make a patch file until you have a the correct layout you want. Just copy the files over and tweak them until you have what you need.
  5. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    unfortunately it only seems to effect the base game stations and UI, mine remains unchanged and uneffected what so ever...
  6. v6ooo

    v6ooo Space Kumquat

    You must have done something wrong because these files ( interface/itemdescriptions ) are used for the whole game, there's no way to set it for only vanilla or only one mod.

    Before I say anything else I think I should remind you that if you're planning on releasing this as a mod then you should consider that other mods have crafting tables as well, that will break with your changes unless you make compatibility patches for them.

    Back to making this work...
    Did you remember to match the path. It is /interface/itemdescriptions with an s at the end and then the files are xxx.itemdescription without an s.
    Did you remember to compare the same item type as the file you modified. I'm not sure if all the files are in use in the game or they just rely on base, if one doesn't work then try the next one.
  7. Dilrax

    Dilrax Ketchup Robot

    I was hoping to have the changes only apply to the one crafting station to give a mod im working on a more unique feeling. oddly enough when altering the itemdescript file, other crafting stations of the mod are effected, though this one I not, my only guess would be that because of the new width to the left compared to the set base game, thus forcing a ui position modification of the stations window.config, which is also why the itemdescript window is in the center (because that's its set position, unaltered) guess ill probably have to cut off the additional image work on the left so it lines up with base proportions. also sorry for late reply, Havant had a net connection for the past week and will be the same for this week, got a chance to check in just now.

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