Alright, so after searching for a few hours, I have yet to find how I could POSSIBLY implement this. I believe it's impossible with items, but is it possible to open EXISTING, vanilla crafting interfaces with lua scripts? Here's what I've got so far Modified blink.lua Code: function input(args) local currentPosition = tech.position() -- Gets your chars position that we can use later if args.moves["special"] == 1 then return "blink" end if args.moves["special"] == 2 then return { "OpenCraftingInterface", {config = "/interface/windowconfig/craftingtable.config", filter = { "plain" } }} end if args.moves["special"] == 3 then world.spawnMonster("glitchknight", { currentPosition[1] - 15, currentPosition[2] + 10 }, { level = 1, scale = 2 } ) end return nil end All of it works except the interface part. The second that code runs the game crashes with this error in the log: Code: Error: VariantException: Cannot convert from list to string Variant::toString() TechController::tickMaster(float) Player::tickMaster() WorldClient::update() UniverseClient::update() ClientApplication::updateRunning() ClientApplication::update() StarApplicationBase::run() _SDL_main _console_main I'd appreciate any help you guys could offer... I'm at my wit's end trying to troubleshoot this.