So... I created a mod called the "Protectorate Restructuring Tool" The first part was created with great help from this community and I'm hoping to get help once again with a persistent problem that's occurring. The first part of the mod, known as "The Protectorate Box" is a cadre of nanites that forms from a single Pixel created by Esther Bright before she left. This has a good number of Tier 1 Crafting Mats and other such things... Within the mod was the second part... Called "The Starter Kit" which has been renamed (And actually pixeled fully) "The Protectorate Restructuring Tool" It's supposed to be a crafting station that has converts Pixels into convenient items. I created two recipes. The first is "Cake Mix" which is a silly Portal Reference. The second is a box of Canned Food... Neither will populate in the Crafting Station. I'd like to know what I'm doing wrong..... According to what I've seen I'm doing it correctly... All the items are are a group of "pots" that break with the Matter Manipulator using Treasurepools to create the items needed... Got the idea from bk3k's stuff ship part stuff... I'm wondering if I wrote something wrong in the window config file, or the recipes themselves... This is the canned food box recipe.... { "input" : [ { "item" : "money", "count" : 3 } ], "output" : { "item" : "DIO_rationpack", "count" : 1 }, "groups" : [ "DIO_restructuretool", "all" ] } And this is the Tool's Windowsconfing file { "requiresBlueprint" : false, "printer" : true, "printTime" : 0.5, "printCostFactor" : 1.0, "craftingSound" : "/sfx/interface/crafting_general1.ogg", "paneLayout" : { "background" : { "type" : "background", "fileHeader" : "/interface/crafting/craftingheader.png", "fileBody" : "/interface/crafting/alchemitercraftingbody.png", "fileFooter" : "/interface/crafting/craftingfooter.png" }, "close" : { "type" : "button", "base" : "/interface/x.png", "hover" : "/interface/xhover.png", "pressed" : "/interface/xpress.png", "pressedOffset" : [0, 0], "position" : [321, 261] }, "windowtitle" : { "type" : "title", "title" : " Protectorate Restructuring Kit", "subtitle" : " ^#b9b5b2;Rebuilding After...", "position" : [0, 252], "icon" : { "type" : "image", "file" : "/interface/crafting/printingicon.png", "position" : [0, -20], "zlevel" : -1 } }, "bgShine" : { "type" : "image", "file" : "/interface/crafting/shine.png", "position" : [-15, 0], "zlevel" : -10 }, "lblSchematics" : { "type" : "label", "position" : [88, 244], "hAnchor" : "mid", "value" : "^#b9b5b2;BLUEPRINTS" }, "lblProducttitle" : { "type" : "label", "position" : [265, 244], "hAnchor" : "mid", "value" : "^#b9b5b2;PRODUCT" }, "spinCount" : { "type" : "spinner", "position" : [220, 46], "upOffset" : 36 }, "tbSpinCount" : { "type" : "textbox", "position" : [232, 46], "textAlign" : "center", "maxWidth" : 16, "regex" : "x?\\d{0,4}", "hint" : "" }, "imgAmountInput" : { "type" : "image", "file" : "/interface/crafting/amount.png", "position" : [226, 45], "zlevel" : -3 }, "btnCraft" : { "type" : "button", "base" : "/interface/button.png", "hover" : "/interface/buttonhover.png", "position" : [271, 43], "caption" : "Craft" }, "btnStopCraft" : { "type" : "button", "base" : "/interface/buttonactive.png", "hover" : "/interface/buttonactivehover.png", "position" : [271, 43], "caption" : "Stop" }, "imgCraftBg" : { "type" : "image", "file" : "/interface/crafting/craftbg.png", "position" : [196, 40], "zlevel" : -5 }, "currentRecipeIcon" : { "type" : "itemslot", "callback" : "null", "position" : [197, 41] }, "btnFilterHaveMaterials" : { "type" : "button", "base" : "/interface/crafting/checkboxnocheck.png", "baseImageChecked" : "/interface/crafting/checkboxcheck.png", "checkable" : true, "checked" : false, "position" : [40, 59] }, "lblProduct" : { "type" : "label", "position" : [51, 58], "hAnchor" : "left", "value" : "MATERIALS AVAILABLE" }, "description" : { "type" : "widget", "position" : [190, 41], "size" : [140, 220] }, "filter" : { "type" : "textbox", "position" : [56, 43], "hint" : "Search", "maxWidth" : 70, "escapeKey" : "close", "enterKey" : "filter", "focus" : false }, "scrollArea" : { "type" : "scrollArea", "rect" : [5, 69, 174, 221], "children" : { "itemList" : { "type" : "list", "schema" : { "selectedBG" : "/interface/crafting/craftableselected2.png", "unselectedBG" : "/interface/crafting/craftablebackground.png", "spacing" : [0, 1], "memberSize" : [159, 20], "listTemplate" : { "background" : { "type" : "image", "file" : "/interface/crafting/craftablebackground.png", "position" : [2, 0], "zlevel" : -1 }, "itemName" : { "type" : "label", "position" : [25, 5], "hAnchor" : "left", "wrapWidth" : 116, "value" : "Replace Me" }, "itemIcon" : { "type" : "itemslot", "position" : [3, 1], "callback" : "null" }, "newIcon" : { "type" : "image", "position" : [119, 5], "file" : "/interface/crafting/new.png", "zlevel" : 2 }, "moneyIcon" : { "type" : "image", "position" : [122, 1], "file" : "/interface/money.png" }, "priceLabel" : { "type" : "label", "position" : [134, 1], "hAnchor" : "left", "value" : "0" }, "notcraftableoverlay" : { "type" : "image", "file" : "/interface/crafting/notcraftableoverlay.png", "position" : [2, 0], "zlevel" : 1 } } } } } }, "categories" : { "type" : "radioGroup", "toggleMode" : false, "buttons" : [ ] }, "rarities" : { "type" : "radioGroup", "toggleMode" : true, "buttons" : [ ] } } } It's literally taken from the Inventing Table... Just edited.. What am I doing wrong?
Do you have the object file for the crafting tool as well please? How does the player learn the recipes?
I'll get that... As for recipes, the test recipes are supposed to be native to the Crafting Tool Here it is { "objectName" : "DIO_restructuretool", "colonyTags" : ["crafting"], "printable" : false, "price" : 100, "rarity" : "Uncommon", "category" : "crafting", "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", "interactData" : { "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingstarterkit.config", "filter" : [ "crafting" ] }, "description" : "One of the programs within my ship's S.A.I.L. unit... This dispenses Nanites that contain blueprints for essential items to restructure the Protectorate.", "shortdescription" : "^orange;Protectorate Restructuring Tool^white;", "race" : "generic", "apexDescription" : "A nanite rich dispensary, designed to remake the Protectorate.", "avianDescription" : "Kluex be praised for this gift to reshape the old order.", "floranDescription" : "Floran make MANY huntsss posssssssible with thisss tool.", "glitchDescription" : "Invigorated! It is time to begin rebuilding!", "humanDescription" : "A last ditch effort by a former grand protector to save the Protectorate should anything bad happen... I didn't think it...", "hylotlDescription" : "From this canvas I shall create something truly beautiful.", "novakidDescription" : "I could cook up a storm on this 'ere thing.", "inventoryIcon" : "DIO_restructuretoolicon.png", "orientations" : [ { "dualImage" : "DIO_restructuretool.png", "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], "frames" : 1, "animationCycle" : 1.0, "spaceScan" : 0.1, "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] } ] }
One thing, in the future you might want to use the insert/code button. That way you don't loose all the white space - making it much harder to follow. You can put spoiler tags over that if you like (and I often do myself). Now see this? Code: "interactData" : { "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingstarterkit.config", "filter" : [ "crafting" ] }, The stuff you put in "interactData" can add to and/or override what's in your actual craftingstarterkit.config file. See in your case you have removed the "filter" up top. Then in the object you add it right back. You said this is an edited inventor's table interface after all. Being as you can over-ride from the object, you might not need to make a fresh interface at all unless you really want to. I dunno if that's your only edit because with the white space removed... it is entirely too big of a pain to try to compare. But lets get to the problem. Code: "filter" : [ "crafting" ] You're adding a "filter" back in. That's not a problem per say. But lets look at your recipe. Code: "groups" : [ "DIO_restructuretool", "all" ] Now if I told you that you are currently filtering to only show things with "crafting" in their groups... does that turn on a light? So one of two fixes would make your stuff appear. 1. Editing the object Code: "filter" : [ "DIO_restructuretool" ] 2. Editing the recipe Code: "groups" : [ "crafting", "DIO_restructuretool", "all" ]
Hmm... Well, thank you for that guys... I've changed the code of the main station, and I"ll check the product tomorrow... IF it works, I'll come back and let you know. Thank you in advance.
If not, try admin mode. If that then works... you aren't teaching player's the recipe. Admin mode doesn't require knowing them you see. You can also choose to add specific items that would be crafted. For example from the infinity express Code: "interactData" : { "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/merchant.config", "paneLayoutOverride" : { "windowtitle" : { "title" : " Infinity Express", "subtitle" : " ^#b9b5b2;Fuel, snacks and sundries" } }, "buyFactor" : 5.0, "sellFactor" : 0.2, "items" : [ { "item" : "flashlight" }, { "item" : "bandage" }, { "item" : "medkit" }, { "item" : "flare" }, { "item" : "climbingrope" }, { "item" : "liquidfuel" }, { "item" : "smallbattery" }, { "item" : "battery" }, { "item" : "fabric" }, { "item" : "leather" }, { "item" : "silk" }, { "item" : "canvas" }, { "item" : "syntheticmaterial" }, { "item" : "bottle" }, { "item" : "cannedfood" }, { "item" : "cheese" }, { "item" : "chocolate" }, { "item" : "egg" }, { "item" : "milk" }, { "item" : "rawbacon" }, { "item" : "redapple" }, { "item" : "soda" } ] },
OK, so I tested the code out just a bit ago, and still not populating. I know that the items are in game, I've created them both.. The items are in my player.config.patch file and I have "requiresBlueprint" : false, as the first line of the window config.... Is this a conflict? Or is it just a CYA moment for me?
Repost your files then so we can see the current state of things. Just zip/7z up your whole mod project folder and attach it to the thread via the "Upload a File" button. My money is currently on string-mismatch aka spelling. Even getting your capitalization mismatched can be a problem.
Could also be he's testing with an existing character, so the crafting bench exists for the character already. I've had it before - something not working, then worked for a new character. If you do have the crafting bench with an existing character, you could delete it, hit enter and type /reload then recraft it. That often solves that problem.
I can try a new character.... I honestly forgot that was a thing.... Also, I'll upload the current files (Also including the current Pixel stuff I cobbled together for the Crafting Station to replace the "Starter Kit" from the old)
Checked the mod on a new character... And while I can spawn the items, now not even the Protectorate Box is populating in the proper menu....
Edit Installed it. It works, with three exceptions. 1/ your canned food pod only gives one can of food on breaking, not 4. 2/ There is no recipe for the protectoratebox, so it doesn't show up anywhere. 3/ The actual crafting station needs some code adding: "categories" : { "type" : "radioGroup", "toggleMode" : false, "buttons" : [ { "selected" : true, "position" : [18, 221], "baseImage" : "/interface/crafting/unselectedTab.png", "baseImageChecked" : "/interface/crafting/selectedTab.png", "data" : { "filter" : [ "DIO_restructuretool" ] } } At the moment your crafting station lists pretty much everything craftable. Nice, but overkill from what you were after.
Oh, yeah, sorry... The Protectorate Box is another Mod, my only published one no less... this was going to add to it though.... I was tired.. Sorry. And the 1 Canned Food is strange... I swear I clicked 4... but the recipe is showing 1... Will Change that. I did add back the protectorate box recipe..... Don't know why that was taken away... Also, where do I add that coding. If it's the object file, do I just copy the text that I don't have yet?
Yes, just put it at the bottom of the object file. It's a chunk of code that allows each tab to be filtered by type, so only the DIO labelled items will show up. If you've extracted the vanilla assets, you can have a peek at either the furnace or the spinning wheel and see where the code goes.
Ok... so this coding makes it so that the crafting station is skipped entirely by the system. Sadly, I don't see where to add the text, as the Furnace and the Spinning Wheel don't have that code in their .object file. I'll post the code here, just so you can see what I did before I change it back.. Code: { "objectName" : "DIO_restructuretool", "colonyTags" : ["crafting"], "printable" : false, "price" : 100, "rarity" : "Uncommon", "race" : "generic", "category" : "crafting", "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", "interactData" : { "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingstarterkit.config", "filter" : [ "DIO_restructuretool" ] }, "description" : "One of the programs within my ship's S.A.I.L. unit... This dispenses Nanites that contain blueprints for essential items to restructure the Protectorate.", "shortdescription" : "^orange;Protectorate Restructuring Tool^white;", "race" : "generic", "apexDescription" : "A nanite rich dispensary, designed to remake the Protectorate.", "avianDescription" : "Kluex be praised for this gift to reshape the old order.", "floranDescription" : "Floran make MANY huntsss posssssssible with thisss tool.", "glitchDescription" : "Invigorated! It is time to begin rebuilding!", "humanDescription" : "A last ditch effort by a former grand protector to save the Protectorate should anything bad happen... I didn't think it...", "hylotlDescription" : "From this canvas I shall create something truly beautiful.", "novakidDescription" : "I could cook up a storm on this 'ere thing.", "inventoryIcon" : "DIO_restructuretoolicon.png", "orientations" : [ { "dualImage" : "DIO_restructuretool.png", "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], "frames" : 1, "animationCycle" : 1.0, "spaceScan" : 0.1, "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] } ] }, "categories" : { "type" : "radioGroup", "toggleMode" : false, "buttons" : [ { "selected" : true, "position" : [18, 221], "baseImage" : "/interface/crafting/unselectedTab.png", "baseImageChecked" : "/interface/crafting/selectedTab.png", "data" : { "filter" : [ "DIO_restructuretool" ] } }
Aw dammit. My error, not yours - the code needs to go into the config file, NOT the object file. Lack of sleep on my part, sorry.
Ah, thanks, ,That makes a Ton more sense! lol. Just gotta put the old file back, cause I tried to make an Upgradable version and that went south quick lol... sad thing is I copied it from the Inventor's Table to get the code right, but boy howdy did it fail...
Almost forgot to put the code here... It's saying the item doesn't exist... Code: { "objectName" : "DIO_restructuretool", "colonyTags" : ["crafting"], "rarity" : "Uncommon", "race" : "generic", "category" : "crafting", "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupDIO_restructuretool" ], //this is handled by the lua "breakDropOptions" : [], "price" : 50, "printable" : false, "scripts" : [ "/objects/crafting/upgradeablecraftingobjects/upgradeablecraftingobject.lua" ], "inventoryIcon" : "DIO_restructuretoolicon.png", "placementImage" : "DIO_restructuretool.png", "placementImagePosition" : [-16, -1], "description" : "One of the programs within my ship's S.A.I.L. unit... This dispenses Nanites that contain blueprints for essential items to restructure the Protectorate.", "shortdescription" : "^orange;Protectorate Restructuring Tool^white;", "apexDescription" : "A nanite rich dispensary, designed to remake the Protectorate.", "avianDescription" : "Kluex be praised for this gift to reshape the old order.", "floranDescription" : "Floran make MANY huntsss posssssssible with thisss tool.", "glitchDescription" : "Invigorated! It is time to begin rebuilding!", "humanDescription" : "A last ditch effort by a former grand protector to save the Protectorate should anything bad happen... I didn't think it...", "hylotlDescription" : "From this canvas I shall create something truly beautiful.", "novakidDescription" : "I could cook up a storm on this 'ere thing.", "startingUpgradeStage" : 1, "maxUpgradeStage" : 2, "upgradeStages" : [ { "itemSpawnParameters" : { "inventoryIcon" : "DIO_restructuretoolicon.png", "placementImage" : "DIO_restructuretool.png", "placementImagePosition" : [-16, -1], "description" : "One of the programs within my ship's S.A.I.L. unit... This dispenses Nanites that contain blueprints for essential items to restructure the Protectorate.", "shortdescription" : "^orange;Protectorate Restructuring Tool^white;", "apexDescription" : "A nanite rich dispensary, designed to remake the Protectorate.", "avianDescription" : "Kluex be praised for this gift to reshape the old order.", "floranDescription" : "Floran make MANY huntsss posssssssible with thisss tool.", "glitchDescription" : "Invigorated! It is time to begin rebuilding!", "humanDescription" : "A last ditch effort by a former grand protector to save the Protectorate should anything bad happen... I didn't think it...", "hylotlDescription" : "From this canvas I shall create something truly beautiful.", "novakidDescription" : "I could cook up a storm on this 'ere thing." }, "interactData" : { "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingstarterkit.config", "paneLayoutOverride" : { "windowtitle" : { "title" : " Protectorate Restructuring Kit", "subtitle" : " ^#b9b5b2;Rebuilding After...", "icon" : { "type" : "image", "file" : "/interface/crafting/printingicon.png", } } }, "filter" : [ "DIO_restructuretool" ], "upgradeMaterials" : [ { "item" : "tungstenbar", "count" : 5 }, { "item" : "wire", "count" : 9 }, { "item" : "silverbar", "count" : 3 } ] }, "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [], "upgradeSoundEffect" : "fanfare", "upgradeParticleEffect" : "dust" }, { "itemSpawnParameters" : { "inventoryIcon" : "DIO_restructuretool2icon.png", "placementImage" : "DIO_restructuretool2.png:default.default", "placementImagePosition" : [-16, -1], "description" : "The Protectorate Restoration Matrix.", "shortdescription" : "^orange;Protectorate Restoration Matrix^white;", "apexDescription" : "An advancement over the Restructuring Tool. Now that I have begun restructuring the Protectorate, I must begin to fully restore it.", "avianDescription" : "Kluex has lead me here. First to Restructure the old, now to Restore with new eyes.", "floranDescription" : "Floran hasss ideasss for thisss thingie... Make thingsss better again.", "glitchDescription" : "Heartened. With Restructuring begun, Restoration can begin.", "humanDescription" : "I've managed to upgrade the Restructure Tool to grant me better control over the internal nanites...", "hylotlDescription" : "With this advancement, I may bring even more beauty back to the universe.", "novakidDescription" : "Well... don't that beat all? This thing here popped out more thingies I can do!" }, "interactData" : { "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/craftingstarterkit.config", "paneLayoutOverride" : { "windowtitle" : { "title" : "Protectorate Restoration Matrix", "subtitle" : "Restructuring was merely the beginning.", "icon" : { "file" : "/interface/crafting/DIO_restructuretool2.png" } } }, "filter" : [ "DIO_restructuretool", "DIO_restructuretool2" ] } } } Also changed the config file... Could that have something to do with it? Code: { "filter" : [ ], "titleFromEntity" : true, "requiresBlueprint" : true, "craftingSound" : "/sfx/interface/crafting_wheel.ogg", "paneLayout" : { "background" : { "type" : "background", "fileHeader" : "/interface/crafting/craftingheader.png", "fileBody" : "/interface/crafting/alchemitercraftingbody.png", "fileFooter" : "/interface/crafting/craftingfooter.png" }, "close" : { "type" : "button", "base" : "/interface/x.png", "hover" : "/interface/xhover.png", "pressed" : "/interface/xpress.png", "pressedOffset" : [0, 0], "position" : [321, 261] }, "windowtitle" : { "type" : "title", "title" : " Protectorate Restructuring Kit", "subtitle" : " ^#b9b5b2;Rebuilding After...", "position" : [0, 252], "icon" : { "type" : "image", "file" : "/interface/crafting/wire.png", "position" : [0, -20], "zlevel" : -1 } }, "bgShine" : { "type" : "image", "file" : "/interface/crafting/shine.png", "position" : [-15, 0], "zlevel" : -10 }, "btnUpgrade" : { "type" : "button", "disabledImage" : "/interface/crafting/upgradeUnready.png", "base" : "/interface/crafting/upgradeReady.png", "position" : [139, 258], "zlevel" : 5 }, "lblSchematics" : { "type" : "label", "position" : [88, 244], "hAnchor" : "mid", "value" : "BLUEPRINTS" }, "lblProducttitle" : { "type" : "label", "position" : [265, 244], "hAnchor" : "mid", "value" : "PRODUCT" }, "spinCount" : { "type" : "spinner", "position" : [220, 46], "upOffset" : 36 }, "tbSpinCount" : { "type" : "textbox", "position" : [232, 46], "textAlign" : "center", "maxWidth" : 16, "regex" : "x?\\d{0,4}", "hint" : "" }, "imgAmountInput" : { "type" : "image", "file" : "/interface/crafting/amount.png", "position" : [226, 45], "zlevel" : -3 }, "btnCraft" : { "type" : "button", "base" : "/interface/button.png", "hover" : "/interface/buttonhover.png", "position" : [271, 43], "caption" : "Craft" }, "btnStopCraft" : { "type" : "button", "base" : "/interface/buttonactive.png", "hover" : "/interface/buttonactivehover.png", "position" : [271, 43], "caption" : "Stop" }, "imgCraftBg" : { "type" : "image", "file" : "/interface/crafting/craftbg.png", "position" : [196, 40], "zlevel" : -5 }, "currentRecipeIcon" : { "type" : "itemslot", "callback" : "null", "position" : [197, 41] }, "btnFilterHaveMaterials" : { "type" : "button", "base" : "/interface/crafting/checkboxnocheck.png", "baseImageChecked" : "/interface/crafting/checkboxcheck.png", "checkable" : true, "checked" : false, "position" : [40, 59] }, "lblProduct" : { "type" : "label", "position" : [51, 58], "hAnchor" : "left", "value" : "MATERIALS AVAILABLE" }, "description" : { "type" : "widget", "position" : [190, 41], "size" : [140, 220] }, "filter" : { "type" : "textbox", "position" : [56, 43], "hint" : "Search", "maxWidth" : 70, "escapeKey" : "close", "enterKey" : "filter", "focus" : false }, "scrollArea" : { "type" : "scrollArea", "rect" : [5, 69, 174, 221], "children" : { "itemList" : { "type" : "list", "schema" : { "selectedBG" : "/interface/crafting/craftableselected2.png", "unselectedBG" : "/interface/crafting/craftablebackground.png", "spacing" : [0, 1], "memberSize" : [159, 20], "listTemplate" : { "background" : { "type" : "image", "file" : "/interface/crafting/craftablebackground.png", "position" : [2, 0], "zlevel" : -1 }, "itemName" : { "type" : "label", "position" : [25, 5], "hAnchor" : "left", "wrapWidth" : 116, "value" : "Replace Me" }, "itemIcon" : { "type" : "itemslot", "position" : [3, 1], "callback" : "null" }, "newIcon" : { "type" : "image", "position" : [119, 5], "file" : "/interface/crafting/new.png", "zlevel" : 2 }, "moneyIcon" : { "type" : "image", "position" : [122, 1], "file" : "/interface/money.png" }, "priceLabel" : { "type" : "label", "position" : [134, 1], "hAnchor" : "left", "value" : "0" }, "notcraftableoverlay" : { "type" : "image", "file" : "/interface/crafting/notcraftableoverlay.png", "position" : [2, 0], "zlevel" : 1 } } } } } }, "lblBarTab" : { "type" : "image", "file" : "/interface/crafting/tabicon_DIOtool.png", "position" : [25, 223], "zlevel" : 3 }, "categories" : { "type" : "radioGroup", "toggleMode" : false, "buttons" : [ { "selected" : true, "position" : [18, 221], "baseImage" : "/interface/crafting/unselectedTab.png", "baseImageChecked" : "/interface/crafting/selectedTab.png", "data" : { "filter" : [ "DIO_restructuretool" ] } } ] }, "rarities" : { "type" : "radioGroup", "toggleMode" : true, "buttons" : [ ] } } } They are both from the crafting wheel, so I have no idea what's now throwing exceptions...
Sorry for the triple post, but I could really use a second set of eyes on that code... I've tried everything I can think of