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Corrupted Save Data

Discussion in 'Support' started by DumShuckles, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. DumShuckles

    DumShuckles Intergalactic Tourist

    After losing track of time and having my laptop die in the middle of playing the game, I'm almost certain that my game data is corrupted. I've tried to fix the file myself, but when I open my save file in Notepad++, it only shows a bunch of NULLS, and I'm not even sure if that's fixable, but I figured it's worth a shot to post on here to see if anyone knows about it :c

    I'm also unsure if I can retrieve a previous save from Steam cloud, but if anyone can point me in the right direction if that's an option or offer to fix my file, I'd be very grateful.


      Attached Files:

    • meatpardle

      meatpardle Star Wrangler

      Unfortunately I can only offer a negative opinion, I've had a few files do this due to crashes/resets and never figured out a way to retrieve them.

      I didn't dig deep enough into the Steam cloud to see if it saved multiple game files, it seemed to me to only offer the latest (corrupted) one.
      • Yusuke Urameshi

        Yusuke Urameshi Space Kumquat

        If your save file (the one with your character's name with a bunch of numbers afterwards,) has only NULLs, then it is highly unlikely there is a way to fix it. CA might be the only one who can tell us for sure. I am not an xml expert by any means but I have found no way to fix this kind of problem. I would love to hear if someone found out otherwise though.
        • DumShuckles

          DumShuckles Intergalactic Tourist

          I'll hold onto my save just in case someone does find a solution, but I just decided to restart the game and suck it up. Thanks though!
          • Yusuke Urameshi

            Yusuke Urameshi Space Kumquat

            Yeah that sounds like a good course of action. Make regular backups with the new file!

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