Granted.But it's so dark that you shoot yourself for laughing at it (Aren't you dead,though?) I want a giant cookie.
Granted, but not at the same time, as you did not say "I wish". I wish that my pi pie pi was actually pie.
Granted, but your pi pie pi pied (and pi'd) pie's pi. Pi is now pie9.86960440109, and the world is ruined. I wish I could speedrun Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
Granted, but you don't collect the hearts to finish faster and because of that you can't beat the final boss I wish pokemon super mystery dungeon would be released tomorrow
Granted, you have an inventory full of guns you can't get rid of that do 1 damage each, at one shot a second. Edit: I wish to become mad with power. (Let's see how a bad wish gets corrupted!)
The word "Senpai" has noticed you, and is now hunting you down. Beware, anytime you can see it, it can see you, and it's coming. It's coming. I wish for a Sniper Scythe and the skill to use it well.
Granted, you use it too well and end up killing everyone you love. I wish that my wishes would get corrupted
Wish Granted Every wish you think of now will be good. But, every time you debate, think, or talk (Debatably, or school related.) It happens. (Bad things only! }:}) My wish: Make a country called, Sihtmalu (No idea what that means xD.)
Granted, but you can only fly north. I wish that every wish after this wish would only grant ferrets. Whatever you wish for, you get a ferret.
Granted, but he remembers, if u love something, you gotta let it go. I wish to have a computer to be able to play starbound already
Granted, but all of the USB slots are filled with glue, the fan is broken, and the graphics card is missing. I wish this wish is uncorruptable. HA! BEAT THAT!