Corn in Winter?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MrJRozzy, Mar 1, 2016.

  1. MrJRozzy

    MrJRozzy Intergalactic Tourist


    So I guess this corn is the like, the alpha corn or something...
    • Blue Penguin

      Blue Penguin 2.7182818284590...

      Haha i had the same thing and thought "wohoo extra corn for winter"

      And its gone the next day :(
      • Tamorr

        Tamorr Supernova

        struggling to be different and in shock. so it had to think about its' life while the rest of its' mates died off before its' very eyes. Well at least it could say it lasted another day longer than the rest, if it had a chance to tell another. Such a shame, but amusing. :nurutease:
        • Haebaragi

          Haebaragi Weight of the Sky

          Did it live through to the next day??

          If it did, I'd fence it off, add some flowers to the side, have its own scarecrow and sprinkler and just be like "This is my Alpha Corn and she is special"
            Tamorr likes this.

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