It would be nice for a number of reasons, including having a copy that's only advanced so far in the game that can wait on more content while you play ahead, saving any money you built up before blindly buying anything you might regret, or in my personal case having a copy where I do, and one where I don't, totally sequence break into dungeon six. (I have a video of that on my youtube if you're curious) Although this idea might be useless to some people who are smart enough to just find and copy their save files outside the game. EDIT: like me. Once the idea struck it was easypeasy, I love clean save systems.
Yep, that's fairly easy to do outside of the game. For anyone who wants to do this, saves are stored in: On Windows: C:\Users\foobar\.lennasinception\saves on Windows On Mac OS X: /Users/foobar/.lennasinception/saves On Linux: /home/foobar/.lennasinception/saves In that folder there are .meta and .dat files. .meta files are text files that describe the save (player name, location, number of hearts), while the .dat file with the same name contains the actual save data. So to duplicate your save, open the .meta files, find the one which describes the save you want to duplicate. Then copy that file and the .dat file with the same name. That means if it was 136.meta, you'll need to copy 136.dat as well.
Erm... I don't have a meta reading program, and I don't have any idea where to get one, I just went off of what the date it last saved was.
Thank you for the save location info! Definitely helpful! Would it be possible to add an option to change the default location for game save data? That way we could for example point it toward a Onedrive folder.
I've raised an issue in my bugzilla, but I can't promise to do this I'm afraid. It'll depend on how much else I can get done.