Copper Bars and Smelting

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by redlace, Feb 27, 2016.

  1. redlace

    redlace Void-Bound Voyager

    I have received copper ore, mostly from having the Blacksmith break open Geode's, is there a way to smelt the copper into bars? How do I get copper bars? Thanks for the help!
    • Ghostly Fox

      Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

      Eventually you should get the furnace blueprint from Clint (the blacksmith)- he'll come to your door one morning and give it to you. Press E, click the Crafting tab (the hammer), select the Furnace (20 copper ore and 25 stone). Once it's made, place it somewhere on your farm. Put your copper ore in a hotbar slot (with coal in your inventory), select that slot, and click the placed furnace with the copper ore. The furnace will take 5 ore and one coal, and light up to process ths m into bars. Whatever ore you input is what the output bar will be, obviously- copper ore give copper bars, iron give iron, gold gives gold, etc. Hope this helps.
      • Voyager

        Voyager Spaceman Spiff

        When you reach mining level 1, you get a crafting recipe for a smelter.
        Then it is 0ne coal for five ore to make a bar.
        • redlace

          redlace Void-Bound Voyager

          Thank you both! I appreciate the help, I guess I will wait for the Blacksmith to arrive :)
          • Xylia

            Xylia Tiy's Beard

            Am I the only one who feels that they could have sped the process for smelting up just a little? Not asking for insta-smelt, but it takes 10-15 seconds per bar and after a day of mining, it takes a few in-game *hours* to smelt it.

            Also, coal seems to be a bit rare, I keep running out of coal.
            • jezuitx

              jezuitx Pangalactic Porcupine

              Get that axe chopping. You get a charcoal smelter which I'm assuming makes coal. I haven't built it yet.
              • redlace

                redlace Void-Bound Voyager

                Yes, the charcoal smelter makes coal for 20 pieces of wood (if memory serves). That should help you out, plenty of wood!
                • kepo

                  kepo Space Hobo

                  wait for the iron/gold bars - this takes minutes for a bar ;)
                  I currently have 5 furnaces to speed up this process. I go to sleep after putting the ore in the furnace, and in the morning they are ready
                    Regal Kain likes this.
                  • Regal Kain

                    Regal Kain Space Kumquat

                    I also just made a bunch of furnaces same as I do in any game that has time based smelting. I use that time to fish garbage out of my pond and recycle it. 2 birds 1 stone and all that.
                    • Xylia

                      Xylia Tiy's Beard

                      Yeah, I now have 3 furnaces, but still. And I thought Iron was ridiculous, here comes Gold that's like 3x the time Iron takes...


                      At least not too many things actually take gold (I'm sitting on 100+ ore that I have no idea what to even use for lol).

                      Oh, btw.... how does one refine quartz? I got a bunch of quartz, but can't figure out how you get REFINED Quartz. I'd love to build some more sprinklers, I got more than enough ore for it...
                      • Regal Kain

                        Regal Kain Space Kumquat

                        Broken CDs and Glasses I. The recycler
                        • Degree_Absolute

                          Degree_Absolute Space Hobo

                          It's not immediately on reaching mining level 1, btw. It may be keyed to activity in the mines; the blacksmith visited after my first mine expedition, but about two weeks after I hit level 1 mining (but before level 2).
                          The other possibility is that he won't visit until you have at least 20 copper ore in inventory, regardless of level. I leveled up mining on the rocks outside (which have a low ore drop rate), and didn't hit the mines until relatively late. I recall I had 23 ore in inventory when he came around.
                            Last edited: Feb 29, 2016
                          • Voyager

                            Voyager Spaceman Spiff

                            Thank you, yea we would need to almost look into the code to know exactly how it works.
                            I have yet to even look at the wiki.
                            • zoeevee

                              zoeevee Zero Gravity Genie

                              Apparently (I haven't actually had time to do it yet) 1 quartz in the furnace with 1 coal gets you refined quartz
                              • FakeGeekGamerGirl

                                FakeGeekGamerGirl Pangalactic Porcupine

                                Also, a tip (dunno if the patch fixed this) but if you have an empty quickslot selected, when you go to collect your bars, you'll also pick up the smelter, so if you don't wanna do that, keep something equipped.
                                • Xylia

                                  Xylia Tiy's Beard

                                  Yeah, I HATE that. Thanks for clarifying what exactly causes it.

                                  I wish we had some kind of "interact" button that ONLY interacts and doesn't use the thing currently selected.

                                  Left Click: I find myself swinging a tool and wasting energy or parrying if I have my sword equipped, or wasting water and energy if I have a watering can equipped.
                                  Right Click: Uproots the item while collecting the thing that's ready.
                                  Left Click+Blank Slot: Uproots the Item

                                  It seems I can't win half of the time.

                                  Don't get me wrong, I think this game is awesome, but little niggles like this would really nice if they were fixed, lol.

                                  I think CA should just make it like Terraria -- Use the Pickaxe on Furniture to uproot them.
                                  • Xylia

                                    Xylia Tiy's Beard

                                    I noticed that in the wiki a few hours after I posted the question.

                                    And I was like "REALLY!?"

                                    Okay... Quartz is not metal. It's a crystal. You don't throw a crystal in a fire with some coal and have it coming out as "refined", lol. Crystal doesn't turn to liquid and then turn back into solid unharmed like metal does.

                                    Therefore, how was I supposed to know that you're meant to throw a crystal in the furnace? That's not intuitive whatsoever.

                                    EDIT: Though as a suggestion... how about a jeweler's table being unlocked as a miner (like Miner lv10)? It allows you to refine all gems, and refined gems sell for more, and some are used as crafting materials?
                                    • Regal Kain

                                      Regal Kain Space Kumquat

                                      The easier way to get refined quartz is putting CDs and Glasses in a recycler doesn't eat your coal
                                      • Xylia

                                        Xylia Tiy's Beard

                                        Assuming you HAVE a recycler. You need Fishing Lv4 to even get one, and when I ran into a recipe that needed refined quartz, I was only Lv2 fishing, so....

                                        But yes, I definitely agree that fishing up cds/glasses is far easier/cheaper, but like I said... need Lv4 fishing first.
                                        • zoeevee

                                          zoeevee Zero Gravity Genie

                                          I was in the same boat when I noticed a need for refined quartz

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