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Community Coordinates Megathread

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Izzabelle, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. soopytwist

    soopytwist Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh. We have same Windows version though. My universe was unstable upbeat giraffe copied over to the stable upbeat giraffe so whether that has anything to do with it..?

    Anyway look what I found,
    Glitch Stronghold
    X: 695427827 Y: 303673468
    Alpha Yggdrasil 82 III a
    Alien, Risky, Radiation, No air.

    Head left or right. If you head right you'll find an Apex lab first.

  2. Jimmy nickels25

    Jimmy nickels25 Space Hobo

    Nice! and it will have something to do with it because you just copyd the old universe so you dont have an updated one.
  3. Zanzabarr

    Zanzabarr Void-Bound Voyager

    There is only the one volcanic planet in the IV slot there for me. Not sure why it would be different if the first one worked.

    Now I'm starting to think there are a few different things going on with versions.

    Is the Beta W Boo 2058 System still there? I mean, same name and everything? Maybe you typed the wrong coords for the second? (I just double checked the coords I had typed to make sure I didn't put a wrong number somewhere and it was right). This particular system doesn't have a gas planet in any of the planet clusters for me.
  4. CrystalCharlie

    CrystalCharlie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So um.. no mac co-ordinates? :( I'd love to know any, especially for the missions - yes I know mac is a joke system for gaming...

    Here is a contribution of my own:
    Mac OS stable version

    Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 4.20.24 pm.png

    On the left is an avian tomb with moon emblems (no ducky) and on the right a lab/dungeon place with a matter block generator.
    Eisengreifer likes this.
  5. Freezair

    Freezair Pangalactic Porcupine

    Here's a good one for the PC version, using Windows 8:

    Delta Skios 5865 III b
    -862170491, 183496702

    This snow planet beams you down on top of a floating boulder in the sky! There's an Avian village directly below it, but otherwise, it just starts you off on a floating hunk of rock! Pretty neat.
  6. Blazerella9

    Blazerella9 Tentacle Wrangler

    OS: Win7 64 bit

    System: The Beta Iota Lep Majoris System (Excentric

    Co-Ord: X: 36833996 Y: -419896716


    1) Beta Iota Lep Majoris III

    Items Found:

    Rainbow Painting Blueprint
    Paint Gun Blueprint (Red I think)
    Rainbow Wood
    Thorn Fruit
    Grapes (one plant)
    Avian Tomb (Avian Moon Emblem; bone birds to get bone)​

    2) Beta Iota Lep Majoris II

    Items Found:

    Rainbow Wood
    Thorn Fruit
    Rainbow Door Blueprint
    Rainbow Bed Blueprint
    Hunter's Knife Backpack
    Terminite (Legendary 2 handed weapon; 290dps)
    3) Beta Iota Lep Majoris IV

    Items Found (On Surface):

    Pirate Bandana
    Rum Barrel Backpack

    Items Found (Ocean Bottom):

    Oxygen Tank Backpack
    Pirate Pants​
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
    Selvern likes this.
  7. SugarShow

    SugarShow Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    OS: Win 7

    Glow stuff over the surface.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2015
    IntegerDevourer likes this.
  8. cooldrewo

    cooldrewo Void-Bound Voyager

    im looking for instruments
  9. SnowyWolfie

    SnowyWolfie Void-Bound Voyager

    Don't know how rare these are, but it's the first one I have seen and figured I should share it~

    Windows 7
    Starbound 32-bit

    The planet is
    Beta Lambda Gem 44 VI

    Radiated Risky planet

    X: 538065143
    Y: -804597797

    Notable Landmark
    Floran hunting camp! They are agressive.

    Noteworthy Loot
    An ocarina! Two All-Seeing Capes, Symbiote, Alien Skull, and a Caustic Stag Helmet. The camp is just left of the spawn over two hills, and one of the ASCs are just outside the left exits of the hunting camp. Everything else is to the right in surface chests.

    Happy hunting and music playing!
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
    Roselle, Selvern and DelvinFox like this.
  10. Selvern

    Selvern Space Hobo

    Has anyone found legendary rocket launchers on surface chests?
    Looking for Windows 32 bit
  11. SugarShow

    SugarShow Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    OS: Win 7

    Reed stuff over the surface.

    More Reed stuff

    The gamma Rho
    x:242 Y:-192 Hiker pack at entrance
    Also floran and avian village.

    Complete flower set.

    Last edited: Feb 13, 2015
    siamtogo likes this.
  12. teratoma

    teratoma Yeah, You!

    System: Delta Yed Posterior 182
    Coordinates: -367279136, -461757968

    Planet VI A - Risky world, tropical, radiation hazard
    Many giant flower biomes with chests.
    To the left is a crystal / scifi lab, followed by a sewer

    Planet IV C
    Risky alien world
    Avian ship to the left
    Lots of chests - I found an eye chest with the cape and both eye helms, and an alien chest with the hazmat mask.

    Planet IV D
    Snowy planet with Bioluminescent biomes
    To the right is an avian tomb (a lot of rooms are clearly visible from the surface, which is interesting), with a moon emblem

    Didn't finish exploring the system, but I found one other world of note:

    Alpha 2 Lac 9047 II
    Mostly harmless, forest world
    -367279144, -461757980
    Huuuuge mushroom biome (virtually all of the world). I found all mushroom schematics and the full wild fungus set.
  13. holymou

    holymou Phantasmal Quasar


    Windows 7

    Sub biome is ice sphere, with about 4 ice chests. Nothing much of note in the regular chests.

    Delta Maiia Majoris Ic

    Items of note:
    Ice Chest Blueprint x2
    Ice Table Blueprint

    Snow globe
    Frost Spear
    Frost Shield
    Frost Crown

    Reed Organ

    Places of Note:
    Avian Glitch-style home
    Golden Avian temple (Quest item--Golden duck inside)
    Floran temple (Quest item--Huge bone carving inside)

    I have not checked out the entire system yet, but will edit if I find more.
    SnowyWolfie likes this.
  14. About69Tacos

    About69Tacos Void-Bound Voyager

    Can anyone tell me where i can get the full hiker set?
  15. Cyrix

    Cyrix Void-Bound Voyager

    I've found hiker sets fairly consistently on forest planets. If you visit maybe one or two (probably at most three) you should be able to rack up a set.

    Still hunting for that pilot set though... :/ if anyone can halp pls would be appreciate
  16. rosedragon

    rosedragon Void-Bound Voyager

    Hello, I'm gravely want beatiful red rose trees, does anyone have coordinate to em?
  17. Roselle

    Roselle Pangalactic Porcupine

    I have coordinates to many different planets with rose trees, but the roses are all shades of pink or turquoise. I will post the coords tomorrow, since I know they'll be of use to someone, anyway. Good luck. I want true red as well.
  18. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    Hum weird .. me at 815540189 -998663745 i dont see Delta Chisti 571 , i see Gamma Zoha Majoris :/

    Sorry but i dislike the new system , now with coordonate from 4 days ago its become invalid ... (or people dont said if its on mac..)

    (i need a glitch town if possible , on a non-meteor planet as possible... of cours the best thing i can find in my glitch life will be a planet with glitch town , glitch castle , not too far from spawnpoint ... even if i think i must build that myself :/)
  19. SugarShow

    SugarShow Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There are much abundance.

    : Win7

    Eye stuff.

    Legendary Banana Mask!


    Tool spawner and some flower stuff
  20. SinR

    SinR Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Is it possible Nightly is on a different seed than everyone else? I can't seem to get *ANY* coordinates to work at all

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