Coop Change - Move Animal Door

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Cymonette, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. Cymonette

    Cymonette Space Hobo

    It’s not a game breaker, but it’d be nice if there was a space or two between the two doors on the coop. Sort of like with the barn. It’d allow players to build a fence/gate between the two doors. This way we can go in and get eggs without having to worry about chickens getting out.

    Plus I fat finger the door all the time on mobile and end up either locking my chickens inside or outside.
    • WilliamZ

      WilliamZ Phantasmal Quasar

      You won't will have to bother with this anymore when you purchase the auto-grabber, thank god now it work with chickens.
      • Skinflint

        Skinflint Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Please make this only _optional_. Some of us have intricate layouts that would require major upheaval to accommodate.


        To re-grow these iridium quality fruit trees requires almost half a decade, all told, during which the Coop would have to be moved out of the way so that they could grow. A seemingly small change has more ramifications than you may have considered, and I'm sure I'm far from the only player for whom this would be true.

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