hello! i've been trying to play with my friend on his save file but we have been having constant crashes for the past week or so and are barely able to get through a day. i'm attaching his save file and both his and my error logs because we can't quite figure out what exactly is causing crashes (we have quite a bit of mods but most if not all are supposedly 1.4 compatible or unofficial updates from the update thread). thank you! please let me know if i forgot to include anything. friend's log (server owner): https://smapi.io/log/aRTm1DVH my crash log 1: https://smapi.io/log/qTfUXHCb my crash log 2: https://smapi.io/log/NPNZsJnD
we now have a hunch that it is Custom Farming Redux, although its updated for 1.4 i can see others are having a ton of issues with it as well looking at both nexus and here on the forums
CustomFarmingRedux is unhappy, and the client and host have different mod lists. Most noteably, one is loading 36 non-content-pack mods and one is loading 41. That's likely to cause problems. Less immediately obviously, the client is running IF2R, and the host is not. That's a content pack, but it changes the farm map and makes it MUCH bigger. That's pretty much guarnteed to cause issues. Try with both the client and the host having the same modlists, like exactly the same, and then if the issue persists post more logs. ETA: CustomFarmingRedux may just be unhappy because you put a custom machine somewhere that is out of bounds or entirely nonexistent in the vanilla farm map, which the host appears to be using, so it can't save properly.
thank you for the advice! we tried running the game with the exact same modlist (his), but i crashed upon entering the host's game and he got a bunch of red text on his end when i joined. the map also reverted back to vanilla for some reason instead of sdve's map. my log: https://smapi.io/log/18f8d7a87c014161aab2aa86db4769eb friend's log: https://smapi.io/log/93dbfa4014ee46e0a29e4abc001653aa afterwards i sent him my personal modlist and we started it up, and were able to play fine. i think possibly some file got corrupted somewhere with the first modlist and we were playing with it and just made everything crash. thank you again for your help! i will post again if we still end up having the same issue with my files.
His modlist, the old host modlist, didn't have SVE's farm map. That's IF2R. So it's probably not a corrupted file; it was just that you had put stuff somewhere that only existed in the IF2R map, and his modlist didn't have that map, so everything flipped out. It might still be a corrupted file, especially if the rest of the map wasn't SVE's map, but it's most likely just...stuff being in maps that only exist in IF2R.
i see...we are using the new vanilla 4 corners farm so i had assumed that the IF2R wouldn't have affected it (the game was vanilla when we started playing and i thought it only affected the default farm type). hopefully that was the issue and now that we have 100% matching mods aside from content patcher mods the game won't get mad at us.
had another crash where me and my 2 other friends were forced past the end of day money tally and into the next day, while the host was stuck in the waiting screen and couldn't progress until we left his game. after trying to reconnect is when we had the crash. we all have the same modlist aside from cosmetic content patcher mods. https://smapi.io/log/LEQE2VdV
Having the sane issue with my girlfriend. It was working fine until now. If my girlfriend wants to join her game crashes. Deleting the custom machines helps but it's strange that it worked perfectly.