a friend of mine and i have been playing on a farm together for the past week. we have 20+ hours on it and today she got disconnected randomly. ever since then, the connection fails when she tries to join back. when i host a new farm and invite her, connection failed. when she hosts a new farm and invites me, connection failed. we tried disabling our firewalls. we tried repairing the c++ x86 file which you download from microsoft. we don't know what to do. help?
I'm having the same issue! Sometimes it works with some people, others don't. I've played with 2 people since the new update and it has been a issue. And even when it works, when the day ends I get disconnected for no reason.
Have you tried connecting via IP directly by choosing a LAN game? (needs some additional port forwarding on the router) It works pretty neat and a friend and i noticed that the overall inital connection time is faster because it's a direct connection and the co-op combat delay also is less present that way. The common way of connecting in Stardew Valley is by using the builtin galaxy network connection over which the traffic also seems to be routed (judging by experience). E.g. if there is a high load on those servers due to a high playerbase it *might* cause connection issues on other ends as well depending on how stuff is implemented and built there.