I'm interested to see what desktops you all have. Rules: 1. Be nice. 2. Post computer desktops, not the actual top of your desk. 3. Try to keep discussion limited to desktops (obviously), wallpapers, Operating Systems (Windows, Mac, Linux Distros, etc.), and desktop modifications (Rainmeter, bb4win, etc.).
mine are randomly selected from a list of cute drawings c: the stuff tends to be Transformice art or slightly damned art.
Cyberpunk 2077 when? (I wasn't really at liberty to close those command prompts so they're stuck there and I was just too lazy to close foobar - or clean up my desktop for that matter)
I'll say that My desktop is always a disorganized mess due to my preference for videogames without widescreen support doing shenanigans with my resolution.
I don't load up on desktop icons, so I can see a still image from one my favorite Animusic videos. (For those wondering what that is, its an image from Harmonic Voltage one of the first seven Animusic videos)
*When you have just a bit too much Asuka on your screens* Oops, forgot the taskbar on the 3rd screen. Yep its got 3. All neat and tidy thanks to the user face on the first. Edited to include all 3 in one. Lightshot finally worked.
I alternate pictures, but this is my current for this week. I can't seem to get a screenshot of my desktop, but this is the picture.
To get a screen shot of your desktop, just hit the "Print Screen" key, then open up an image editor and paste in the image.
Hey another Firestorm user from Second Life, now only if I could get on a proper network, we might try to track each other down, plus that is not much of a mess its about as clean as my desktop (Who is crazy enough to bury nice images in a ton of icons?)
True, true. I've been meaning to cull more of the icons from my Desktop. You can find me in Second Life with the same name here on the forums, although I'm rarely on anymore.
I already tried that, didn't work. But thank you anyway. I even tried looking up how in 'help' and there is nothing. There has to be a way to do it, I just have to figure it out.
I think the shortcut you need is ctrl+prtscrn, and then the captured image will be on the clipboard so you can paste. It doesn't work for everything though, and won't really capture stuff like fullscreen games (you usually get just a black square, I guess something to do with how it interacts with the rendering pipeline) If you want to take a picture like that I recommend using software like ShareX (amazing little piece of freeware) or if you're on a more recent version of windows you should have a tool called the "snipping tool" which lets you capture a region of the screen, just select the entire desktop as the region (you can find the tool by typing "snip" into the searchbar on the windows menu). ShareX is pretty much just a much more powerful version of that tool, letting you capture windows, regions, recording gifs or videos of captured regions and automatically uploading them to web hosts so you can share them easily.
What I do is press Print Screen, open Paint (windows user), use the Select Square and make a small square on the blank page then press Ctrl+V to paste and then save the image. c: