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RELEASED Comprehensive Mech mod pre-pre-alpha version 0.0.01

Makes mechs taller and sexier

  1. BeyondReality

    BeyondReality Aquatic Astronaut

    BeyondReality submitted a new mod:

    Comprehensive Mech mod pre-pre-alpha version - Makes mechs taller and sexier

    Read more about this mod...
    Omega68nova likes this.
  2. jonathonspy

    jonathonspy Existential Complex


    Any chance you could make it so that some parts give abilities as well?

    I.e finned legs that allow the mech to travel in water like it does in space?
  3. Overlurker

    Overlurker Big Damn Hero

    FYI, Doesn't work well with Mech Overhaul mod, even if Mech Overhaul makes vanilla mechs taller and gives them the ability to crouch. It makes your mech in this mod permanently crouched and the legs on their shoulders

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