Common Sense for the Rancher

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by neonred, May 15, 2019.

  1. neonred

    neonred Void-Bound Voyager

    No wonder nobody wants to become a rancher. It takes too much time and pain to construct farm buildings. i had 25 000 and wanted a deluxe barn, and to get this i have to go through 2 upgrades adding another 15000 to the deluxe barn 25000 cost plus base n upgrade materials + min 9 days wait time for 1 building, i cant start work on another building whether that be my house or another farm building until those 9 is absolutely stupid...what was concerned ape thinking.

    It is a rather simple fix, allow players to buy any kind of building straight without upgrade and allow the player to have up to 2 construction projects on the go. this way being a rancher wont be annoying, it will be much more profitable and fun. i regret being the rancher from the moment construction began, without animals and that shouldnt be so
    • WilliamZ

      WilliamZ Phantasmal Quasar

      Rancher is perfectly fine and is acknowledged by the players as one of the best and easier methods to make money, especially now with the Auto-Grabber.
      The thing is, barns can be very misleading if you don't know what you're doing, unless you're wanting to cap your gameplay for some challenge, I recommend to you reach Farm lv6 first for the cheese press machines, then gather only cows on your barns, latter decide if you want to have pigs, sheeps or goats for iridium quality goat cheese.
      This is my shepherd farm (or was, I only have sheeps now):
        Keifire likes this.
      • WhitneyFox

        WhitneyFox Void-Bound Voyager

        You don't need to go all the way to Deluxe Barn. Start with the regular barn and get a couple cows. Pet them daily and give them access to fresh grass and they will be giving you large milks in no time which will quickly build up your money for the next barn upgrade. The barn can be upgraded with your animals still in it, so you don't lose the 3 days (upgrades seem to take only 1 day). You can get the wool and milks you need from the travelling merchant if you're trying to get the Community Center done quickly.

        I usually only get the final barn/coop upgrade in time for winter so my animals are auto-fed.
          Gandalor 75 likes this.

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