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Digital [Comic] The Whale Fins Ch.1

Discussion in 'Art' started by Tyle, Jul 27, 2017.

  1. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex

    Since it’s been awhile since I joined the forum, I figured this would be a decent time for me to put these here.

    -The Whale Fins-

    What started off as a simple OC-verse starring animal hybrid monsters turned art practice, The Whale Fins is now my ongoing original comic(as ongoing as I can manage, that is) – it’s a very ‘watch things unfold’ kind of story, that’s what I’m hoping to achieve - but other than that I want to focus on adventure and exploration in a somewhat fantasy setting as well.

    Chapter 0 was a 'test run' that also served as a quick, 5-page prelude of the main story, briefly explaining the basic lore of the Whale Fins.






    Alright so, this is how I plan the general style of the comic to be. Chapter 1 is currently at page 8 and a total of 17 pages are planned - I'll put them up shortly. All completed pages are up in my dA page so for those who don't want to wait, you can read the rest there.

    Before that though, I would like to hear your opinion on this! As I mentioned, I started this as an art practice and it still is, try to think of this as a personal project to see how far I can push myself so, every bit of comment, criticism and suggestion help! I also welcome any questions regarding background and characters and whatnot, though I might not answer them properly if they are related to future story plot (aka, spoilers!).
  2. Dragon_Knight02

    Dragon_Knight02 Space Spelunker

    Yay! You posted your comic here (I'm a follower on dA btw)! :D
    Tyle likes this.
  3. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex





    I'll put up the next 4 completed pages later, still a bit of time until I have time to get back to drawing!
  4. Panyang

    Panyang Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is awesome
  5. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex





    These are the completed pages so far, thank you for your attention! I'm glad to say drawing has resumed - can't make out when it'll be done but I hope it's very soon.
  6. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex

  7. The Purple Dragon

    The Purple Dragon Master Astronaut

  8. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex


    20 days for a page? OUTRAGEOUS!
    Oh right yeah I forgot I was drawing for my other SB thread my bad
  9. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    wow looks so neat, i love it! It's nice to see that talented people are still doing stuff!
    The Purple Dragon and Tyle like this.
  10. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    *sees the giant whale*
    Oh my god O_O

    The Purple Dragon likes this.
  11. Mrs Bartender

    Mrs Bartender Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Just gonna boop this. It's great >:V
    Tyle likes this.
  12. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex

    Another filler! When will this madness end?

    Just a note, the next two months will probably the craziest busiest months I'll have since a long time, so update would likely be rather slow for now. Hopefully I can get one more drawing done in my other thread before the crazy starts. Now for the next announcement...


    WF now has its own site, hosted on Comic Fury (it's free!)! The site layout is completely customizable and I think it's pretty comfortable on the eyes. I've set it so the old pages were gradually uploaded on a 2-day basis but it will catch up to the current progress this Friday, woo! So if you're interested, you can take a look too to see if it's a better place to read the pages.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
  13. Mrs Bartender

    Mrs Bartender Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's a big ol forest. Better be some apples in there
    The Purple Dragon likes this.
  14. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex

    With 50+ days in there I sure hope there'd be something to eat other than questionably poisonous berries and dirt :v
    The Purple Dragon likes this.
  15. The Purple Dragon

    The Purple Dragon Master Astronaut

    Maybe she caught a deer?
  16. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    Or maybe sommfink caught her
    The Purple Dragon likes this.
  17. The Purple Dragon

    The Purple Dragon Master Astronaut

    Yeah, she might've killed it with the bucket.
    Tyle likes this.
  18. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex

    Look, happenings

    Aw gee has it really been two months? I was too occupied with school work and experiments and looks like it's going to stay that way for a while.
  19. The Purple Dragon

    The Purple Dragon Master Astronaut

    *looks around*
    Oh, I'm alone.
    The wolf is either gonna be cute and lovely, or one of the good creatures will save her.
    themushroomlord and Tyle like this.
  20. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex

    I'm back in the drawing businesssssssss

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