Listen here pal, you can't come in here with your INCREDIBLE ART STYLE and your LOVEABLE CHARACTERS and FRIENDLY ATTITUDE without expecting to be bombarded with UNYIELDING PRAISE AND ACCEPTANCE. I just really like your stuff.
AHAHAHAHAHA! Okay so first, @Crossfang sent me here, he has good taste. Second, This is literally me dream, like, to draw a comic based on my starbound characters. Sadly I lack any artistic talent. Which of course makes this awesome and amazing. Also it's adorable. Very adorable.
@Tyle do you take requests? I'd be really cool to has my char in this art style :> (Also, post moar comics!)
I'm really sorry to say the current answer is no - I only have as little free time as it is and consider how this forum loves making requests, it might take half a year for me to finish a strip of my own if I started taking them :v Right now, art trade is a huge maybe (my current policy is if I make a request first, I'll return the favor as a cameo in a future strip), and commission an even huger maybe. BUT! You know comics have background characters? I have a couple planned strips that'll need a good amount of them and I'm going to ask for your help in lending me your chars to fill up the slots - of course, there will be some criteria like specific races I need but this will probably the closest thing to a request I can offer. Thank you all for the love and support!
Well, by the time happens, I guess all I need is just people handing in details of their characters similar to requests, and I'll draw them in my strips as background chars. I'll specify beforehead what races I need and what specific clothings or characteristics will be favored.
I'll be more than happy to give you as many characters as you need, on one condition: You give everyone a picture of their characters in that style. (Like, when you draw them, also post them separately)
That's something I'm not implemented for the past cameos I've made, but if they want a picture of their appearance in the comic (a cut out like this), I'll be happy to make a separate image file from the original svg. if they ask. But if it's a standalone art, that I cannot do. I didn't even do that for my own kids lol
Oh hey hey hey, now, i've noticed that despite having at least two avians in your ship, none of them are fellow believers of the mighty sunborn, now, if you'd like, i can lend you my character for background uses, and to add a bit of stargazer charm to it you know? golden cerymonial clothing, curved dagger for sacrifices, all that good stuff u_u
Oki. You can always find my Floran char on my mod page. She's grayish-greenish with blue leafs and a red flower. She usually will wear cutesy clothing and has a pet Fennix
Oi, calm down with the hype, it's not happening yet! The thing you all gotta realize is, this is not a request draw. I'm doing this out of interest of my comic strips above all else and I cannot (and will not) cater to everyone's expectations. I only need a number of chars in those strips and if there are too many requests (note that I'm also active on dA) , there is certain chance your character will not make it to the strip even if you submitted the details. I hope you can understand.
Floran??!! you're a Floran?! I guess i should've known... Yeah we're okay with it, but you got to understand, that when you came to this place with nice drawings and friendly attitude, people would start to want more and more drawings u_u
Uhuh, I know it's for this comic. I love this comic so far, it's adorable, fun to read, decently paced, it's funny, and I've even showed some people IRL it. I can't wait for the next issue BTW My multiplayer/modded char is. I plan on making another Novakid when I can (Novakids are my favorite race). I just have a hard time starting a new char, the beginning is too long for me (not just the cutscenes, but the whole beginning of the game) EDIt: Is there somefing wrong with Florans?
Ah, novakid main then eh? that's fine, i guess. and about florans...well, they're... *goes ptsd for 10 seconds* nevermind
@TheCobaltMask that is very sweet of you! Next up will be a Halloween pic followed by Cooking Lesson 2/5, then I'll go back to Whale Fins - my general schedule alternates between Starbound Adventures (SBA?) and WF, progress will be slow due to current school work however. Also you people better appreciate how many free requests there exist in this place, ya'll too spoiled
I like this slightly feminine Hylotl, what he's called again? Snowy right? yeah, nice dude u_u he gets me And I agree with you, a lot of people do amazing drawings for free here, i'm using one right now, done by @Crossfang . You know Tyle, if i had my wacom, i'd be posting some comics as well, nothing as good as yours or with episodic events, just random things, that's why I love seeing yours so much, it kinda makes me wonder what would I do