RELEASED Colorful Wood(+Gate) & Hardwood Fences

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Kiatsu, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. Kiatsu

    Kiatsu Industrial Terraformer

    Hardwood Fences
    Black-Fence5.jpg Blue-Fence5.jpg Green-Fence5.jpg Grey-Fence5.jpg Orange-Fence5.jpg Pink-Fence5.jpg Purple-Fence5.jpg Red-Fence5.jpg Yellow-Fence5.jpg

    Black - [Download]
    Blue - [Download]
    Green - [Download]
    Grey - [Download]
    Orange - [Download]
    Pink - [Download]
    Purple - [Download]
    Red - [Download]
    Yellow - [Download]

    Wood Fences + Gate (Default)
    Black-Fence1.jpg Blue-Fence1.jpg Green-Fence1.jpg Grey-Fence1.jpg Orange-Fence1.jpg Pink-Fence1.jpg Purple-Fence1.jpg Red-Fence1.jpg Yellow-Fence1.jpg

    Black - [Download]
    Blue - [Download]
    Green - [Download]
    Grey - [Download]
    Orange - [Download]
    Pink - [Download]
    Purple - [Download]
    Red - [Download]
    Yellow - [Download]

    I really wanted some colorful fences so I recolor the Hardwood/Wood Fences. Hope someone finds these useful~

    [1] Make sure you back up the file you want to replace, in this case its "Fence5.xnb" for Hardwood and/or "Fence1.xnb" for Wood fences.
    [2] Download one color and replace the file in "\Content\LooseSprites\"
    [3] Start game and enjoy~ \(^_^)/

    - Added Default Wood Fences
      Last edited: Mar 12, 2016
      HiHaHi123, Tiiago94, miryuo and 4 others like this.
    • Elengeness

      Elengeness Space Hobo

      I love you. I mean it. Seriously. Thank you!

      But, may I ask, can you bring colour to the default wood fence?
      • Kiatsu

        Kiatsu Industrial Terraformer

        Yw~ and sure~! I'll upload them later~ (^_^)
        • Kiatsu

          Kiatsu Industrial Terraformer

          Just added them~ (^_^)
          • SongSaLueng

            SongSaLueng Lucky Number 13

            Thank Bro
            • BlueChariot

              BlueChariot Space Spelunker

              Download links for the hardwood fences takes me to a 404, not found?
              • Kiatsu

                Kiatsu Industrial Terraformer

                Should be working now~ Let me know if there's still any down links~ Thanks (^_^)v
                • miryuo

                  miryuo Zero Gravity Genie

                  yay great idea! was hoping someone would make something like this ..if you ever have time can you maybe add a few softer/lighter colours? that would be cool. these are nice too, but a little bright/strong ^^.
                  maybe make a thread in the misc subforum too, so it's easier to find and doesn't dissappear too quickly like here.
                    Last edited: Mar 13, 2016
                  • Kiatsu

                    Kiatsu Industrial Terraformer

                    I made some a while ago but it looks off in game because they're too light :rofl: I might post them later though. [^,^;]

                    As for the misc subforum... I accidentally posted it here but when I found out about it, there's no way to move it... so just hoping a Moderator would actually sort this out soon~ For now I'll just add them on my House Recolor thread~
                    • miryuo

                      miryuo Zero Gravity Genie

                      i guess you can just make a new thread there and copy the entire post into it.
                      • Kiatsu

                        Kiatsu Industrial Terraformer

                      • HiHaHi123

                        HiHaHi123 Orbital Explorer

                        Good!Thank you!

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