1. Note: Nightly builds are not officially supported and things that appear broken might actually just be broken with no way of fixing it, but community members may still be willing to assist you with common problems.

Tutorial Collection of Admin Codes for Nightly Build

Discussion in 'Nightly Builds Support' started by SivCorp, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    /spawnitem moonemblem 1
  2. Warget

    Warget Giant Laser Beams

    look here.
    I think this site will be usefull for you http://starbounditems.herokuapp.com/
    The Squid likes this.
  3. ACS26

    ACS26 Aquatic Astronaut

    Hello :3, I wonder if there is a command that a merchant who sells food and / or clothing as merchant of the people Avian appears. (sorry for my English, I am Mexican :oops:)
  4. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    /spawnitem spawnerchef for food. I don't know if this'll work, but for clothing /spawnitem spawnermerchant. Their races are random, so you may or may not get an Avian.
  5. Varixai

    Varixai Hard-To-Destroy Reptile


    You can choose their races, info at the link above. ;)
    The Squid likes this.
  6. ACS26

    ACS26 Aquatic Astronaut

    Thank you, no matter what race is, I just want to sell clothes or food. Just put an example to avian
  7. supergoo22

    supergoo22 Tentacle Wrangler

    Could anybody help me with the command for black makeshift greaves? I want them to match the black makeshift chestpiece from SivCorp's post, but I can't figure it out. I tried the same color codes listed above, but it gave me the normal makeshift greaves. If anybody knows anything about this I would really appreciate the help.
  8. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    The code you're using is probably the one that swaps out the default coloring with purple. If your assets are unpacked, then you'll notice that the purple on the head and chest are orange while the purple on the greaves remain purple in the files. This means that you'll have to replace the first hexes from the ?replace tag with the purple ones.


    ffffff is one of the shades of the file (it actually isn't, but pretend it is!), and ffbbff is the black that you'll want it to be.
    You'll have to change ffffff to whatever the hex for purple in the file is.

    (Typing from a mobile device, I can probably give a more in-depth post from my computer)
    supergoo22 likes this.
  9. Varixai

    Varixai Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Try the method described under /spawnitem here:
    It is much easier, since you don't have to unpack anything and go digging through the color codes in the item files.

    Edit: Here, this is for that specific item in black, check the wiki if you need a reminder of the command or for other color numbers. ;)

    /spawnitem bonusarmorchest 1 '{"colorIndex":1}'
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2015
    supergoo22 and SivCorp like this.
  10. supergoo22

    supergoo22 Tentacle Wrangler

    Thanks Varixai!
    Varixai likes this.
  11. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Edited OP - to include some vital information on admin command. Since we keep getting admin command features reported as a bug.
    MysticMalevolence and SivCorp like this.
  12. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    "commandProcessor" : {
    "help" : "Available commands are: %s. Use /help commandName to get detailed documentation.",
    "reload" : "Usage /reload. Reloads your local, client side assets. Will cause lag as they are reparsed.",
    "serverreload" : "Usage /serverreload. Reloads the remote, server side assets. Will cause lag as they are reparsed.",
    "admin" : "Usage /admin. Enables or disables admin mode, which enables all crafting recipes, prevents damage or energy loss, and allows access to admin-only commands.",
    "timewarp" : "Usage /timewarp timeInSeconds. Warp time ahead by timeInSeconds.",
    "spawnitem" : "Usage /spawnitem itemName [count] [variantParameters]. Spawn the specified item at the mouse cursor. If the item does not exist it will spawn a perfectly generic item. Count expects an integral number. Variant parameters are parameters passed to the item's constructor. They are specified as JSON. Best practice is to surround JSON in single quotes.",
    "spawntreasure" : "Usage /spawntreasure poolName [level]. Generates contents of a specified treasurepool at the mouse cursor.",
    "spawnmonster" : "Usage /spawnmonster type [level] [variantParameters]. Spawn the specified monster type at the mouse cursor. If level is not specified it takes level 0. Variant parameters are parameters passed to the monster's constructor. They are specified as JSON. Best practice is to surround JSON in single quotes.",
    "spawnnpc" : "Usage /spawnnpc species [type] [level]. Spawn an NPC of that specified species. If type is specified it spawns on the specific NPC type (for instance, guard). If level is not specified it takes level 0.",
    "spawnstagehand" : "Usage /spawnstagehand type [parameters]. Spawn a Stagehand of the specified type. If parameters are specified (as a JSON object) they will be merged on top of the default configuration.",
    "clearstagehand" : "Usage /clearstagehand. Despawns any stagehands with broadcast areas containing or positions close to the current cursor position.",
    "spawngun" : "Usage /spawngun level [kind]. Spawn a randomized gun with the given level. If kind is specified then the gun is limited to that kind (for instance, commonshotgun). If you want to spawn a non-randomly generated gun use /spawnitem instead.",
    "spawnsword" : "Usage /spawnsword level [kind]. Spawn a randomized sword with the given level. If kind is specified then the sword is limited to that kind (for instance, commonshortsword). If you want to spawn a non-randomly generated sword use /spawnitem instead.",
    "spawnshield" : "Usage /spawnshield level [kind]. Spawn a randomized shield with the given level. If kind is specified then the shield is limited to that kind (for instance, riotshield). If you want to spawn a non-randomly generated shield use /spawnitem instead.",
    "spawnliquid" : "Usage /spawnliquid liquidName amount. Spawn a quantity of liquid at the mouse cursor.",
    "pvp" : "Usage /pvp. Toggle your Player VS Player mode if possible.",
    "serverwhoami" : "Usage /serverwhoami. Display your server username and admin status.",
    "whoami" : "Usage /whoami. Display your local username and admin status.",
    "whereami" : "Usage /whereami. Display the celestial coordinate of your current location.",
    "whereis" : "Usage /whereis playerSpecifier. Display the celestial coordinate of the specified player's current location.",
    "played" : "Usage /played. Displays how long you've played this character.",
    "itemid" : "Usage /itemid bagSpecifier slotSpecifier. Dumps item information to the command line. bagSpecifier is a number between 1 and 6 or one of (case insensitive) \"bag\", \"tilebag\", \"bar\", \"equipment\", \"wieldable\", \"swap\". slotSpecifier is dependent on the bag type. If type is bag, tilebag, 1 or 2 then slotSpecifier is a number between 0 and 39 inclusive. If type is bar or 3 then slotSpecifier is a number between 0 and 9 inclusive. If type is equipment or 4 then slotSpecifier is a number between 0 and 12 inclusive or one of (case insensitive) \"head\", \"chest\", \"legs\", \"back\", \"headSoc\", \"chestSoc\", \"legsSoc\", \"backSoc\", \"tech1\", \"tech2\", \"tech3\", \"tech4\", \"trash\". If type is wieldable then slotSpecifier is either 0 or 1 or (case insensitive) \"lefthand\" or \"righthand\". If type is swap then only 0 is valid.",
    "gravity" : "Usage /gravity. Display the gravity at the player's position.",
    "debug" : "Usage /debug. Enable debugging mode.",
    "togglelogmap" : "Usage /togglelogmap. Toggle the display of debugging text information to the screen if debug mode is enabled.",
    "boxes" : "Usage /boxes. Toggle the display of collision debugging polygons if debug mode is enabled.",
    "clearboxes" : "Usage /clearboxes. Toggle whether or not to clear boxes displayed with /boxes every frame. Useful for determining routes that enemies take, can get messy looking though.",
    "togglelayer" : "Usage /togglelayer. Toggle the visibility of the specified layer. A layer is a number between 1 and 21. They are in order: Sky, Parallax, Background, Platforms, Plant, PlantDrop, Object, CursorHintedObject, ParticlesBottom, Effect, Projectile, NPC, Player, ItemDrop, Water, ParticlesMiddle, Foreground, ParticlesTop, Nametag, InfoBars.",
    "fullbright" : "Usage /fullbright. Disable the lighting engine and show everything.",
    "setspawnpoint" : "Usage /setspawnpoint. Sets the default spawn point on the current world to your character's position.",
    "settileprotection" : "Usage /settileprotection dungeonId isProtected. Set protection for blocks with the specified dungeonId to be true (unbreakable) or false (breakable).",
    "setgravity" : "Usage /setgravity level. Sets your local gravity to the level specified. Negative values will make you fall up but you can't jump from your head. This change is local only, and looks pretty heinous on a server, because it screws very heavily with delta prediction.",
    "resetgravity" : "Usage /resetgravity. Undoes /setgravity. Begin using server gravity again.",
    "aicommand" : "Usage /aicommand commandName. Executes the specified predefined AI command.",
    "aiaction" : "Usage /aiaction actionJson. Executes a custom AI action.",
    "coordinate" : "Usage /coordinate. Displays the current coordinate of the world you are on or orbiting.",
    "kick" : "Usage /kick playerSpecifier [reason]. Kick the specified player and send the reason to the player. If no reason is specified then the player's server nickname is used as the reason (IRC Style).",
    "ban" : "Usage /ban playerSpecifier [reason] [kind] [timeInSeconds]. Kick and ban the specified player and send the reason to the player. If no reason is specified then the player's server nickname is used as the reason (IRC Style). Kind is specified as \"uuid\" or \"ip\" or \"both\". Other values are invalid. If kind is not specified or incorrectly specified then \"both\" is used. timeInSeconds defaults to forever. Bans that have a specified duration are not persistent. If you shut down the server or reload configuration, all of your temporarily banned users will be unbanned immediately.",
    "list" : "Usage /list. List all clients logged into the server. Format is $clientId : serverNickname : $$playerUuid. If the serverNickname contains unprintable characters the unicode escape sequence for those characters will be displayed instead.",
    "warp" : "Usage /warp warpAction. Valid warp action formats include: OwnShip, OrbitedWorld, CelestialWorld:celestialcoordinates, UniqueWorld:worldid, MissionWorld:worldid-partyuuid, ClientShipWorld:playeruuid, Player:playeruuid, Nowhere (current world). Most warp actions can have =xcoordinate.ycoordinate added to specify a position within that world.",
    "fixedcamera" : "Usage /fixedcamera. Toggle locking the camera's position; camera will not scroll. (May cause sectors not to spawn and monsters to spawn right next to or on top of you if offscreen. Useful for recorded demonstrations.)",
    "aimessage" : "Usage /aimessage messageId. Triggers the player to receive the AI message with the specified id",
    "clearaimessages" : "Usage /clearaimessages. Resets all history of received AI messages, allowing the player to see these messages again.",
    "cinema" : "Usage /cinema cinematicPath. Plays the specified cinematic for testing.",
    "statistics" : "Usage /statistics. Displays collected statistics about the player (currently only includes total number of deaths; will be expanded in future versions.",
    "suicide" : "Usage /suicide. Kills the current character, incurring all normal death penalties (including permadeath!). This can be used as a last resort if you are irreversibly stuck."
  13. Varixai

    Varixai Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    It's nice that you unpacked the assets, but everything in that file has already been explained in great detail on the wiki page that I have linked in this thread many, many times now. (Plus many things that aren't in that file, and helpful tables, and examples, really everything).

    (Also, that list has been posted in this thread, starting on the very first page..)

    (tl;dr - No, please look at this wiki page for command info, which has all of that and much more.)


    Related pages:
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2015
  14. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    Yes, I get that you want us all to look at the wiki page. I am well aware of it's existance, as you post it everywhere (By the way, I suggest just making that your signature). But the thread is still a resource. I was interested to find that this file existed, so I posted it here, where it would be relevant and perhaps useful to someone.
    (Personally, I find the wiki page to be quite harder to read than the forums because of the brightness of the white text and the way the background is.)

    (TL;DR: I post what is relevant to the thread. There is no harm in this.)

    P.S: I unpacked the assets for much different reasons than finding content for this thread as your post seems to imply.
  15. Varixai

    Varixai Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Sorry, I jumped to the conclusion that you were newer and just recently unpacked them.

    Though, that list has already been posted or mentioned on this thread several times, starting with the 4th post on the very first page.
  16. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    That post is missing a few things.
    Would like to point out, though; there's no /suicide command on the wiki. It has the /statistics command twice.
    tomatelopes and Varixai like this.
  17. Varixai

    Varixai Hard-To-Destroy Reptile


    And fixed, thanks. It had suicide's description but not the command.
    tomatelopes likes this.
  18. Hellbeast Core

    Hellbeast Core Yeah, You!

    When I use "/spawnmonster jellyboss" or "/spawnmonster tentaclecomet", they spawn and immediately DIE! How do i fix this problem.
  19. Varixai

    Varixai Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    You don't, that's just how they work right now. Some boss monsters like that can only live in their intended dungeons/areas. (Those 2 don't have dungeons they spawn in right now, they are just unused assets)

  20. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    Additionally, I believe those two might be disabled, like the bone dragon (who also dies).

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