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Notice Closed Beta: WHERE!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hopoo, May 9, 2013.

  1. Nyarlathotep

    Nyarlathotep Void-Bound Voyager

    Checking my mail all the time waiting eagerly for the mail to arrive.
    Sadly I'm going to sleep in about 2 hours so I'm probably gonna have to wait until tomorrow when I get home from work(GMT +2) :(
    • Mobon1

      Mobon1 Orbital Explorer

      I am so hype.

      Congrats on getting double what you anticipated would be a stretch, haha.

      Also why is there a trademark after after whole "receive their digital rewards soon.™"
      • Aclancy83

        Aclancy83 Void-Bound Voyager

        Just want to say congratulations to the Devs for getting all the funding plus extra to create a great original game. Looking froward to playing the beta and help make the game a masterpiece!
        • Galdius

          Galdius Subatomic Cosmonaut

          * refreshing the humblebundle website * (like a real psychopath)
          • Jone991

            Jone991 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            Me too ;P
            • joey4track

              joey4track Ketchup Robot

              Not trying to sound like a jerk but I'm glad it isn't ready yet. I still have 2 1/2 hours left of work :p
              • Jone991

                Jone991 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                Yeah right.... and i should go to sleep now... :S almost 1AM
                • Galdius

                  Galdius Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  So good night Jone, we'll tell you if the game is good :p
                  • joey4track

                    joey4track Ketchup Robot

                    Almost 6p in nyc. Hopefully be home by 8 and maybe it will be here?!!
                    • Bluerooste42

                      Bluerooste42 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      Is the closed beta out or something? The Humble store gave me a file named "riskofrain_beta", with no file extension, so it cannot be run. I tried changing it to .exe, but that doesn't work.
                        Somepony likes this.
                      • Galdius

                        Galdius Subatomic Cosmonaut

                        i think the file is currently uploading, but... Why have i nothing ?? :'(
                        • Bewinged

                          Bewinged Poptop Tamer

                          So did you guys already enter your email on the site? I was afraid to do it since they said to do it after the beta was released
                          • Paggles

                            Paggles Intergalactic Tourist

                            I'm sitting in class right now and I can't even focus on anything that's happening! Will we get an email about this or should I take matters into my own hands on the humble bundle website?
                            • Somepony

                              Somepony Seal Broken

                              I had the Humble Store re-send me an email, and it provided me with a download link that was 19.9MB.
                              I tried opening it, and it doesn't even have a file extension, so it couldn't open. (Like Bluerooste42 pointed out) Then, I opened it with 7-Zip and extracted all files. The game is version
                              I ran Risk of Rain and now I'm looking at the game's main menu.

                              Edit: Everything seems to be working fine so far.
                                Bluerooste42 likes this.
                              • Bluerooste42

                                Bluerooste42 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                Oh God, how did I not think of that...
                                It was an archived file. Durr...
                                  Somepony likes this.
                                • joey4track

                                  joey4track Ketchup Robot

                                  It's out! Ok, I think I might have to close up work early haha
                                  • Somepony

                                    Somepony Seal Broken

                                    I'm just a little worried that we might be downloading it while it's in the process of being uploaded. Hopefully all the files are here, and I didn't DL too early; if not, it's my own fault.
                                    • Bluerooste42

                                      Bluerooste42 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      I highly doubt it would show up before it's done uploading.
                                      Either way, 20MB seems about right.

                                      Also, is music/sound not working properly for anyone else?
                                      I can hear the Commando's gunshots (sometimes) and containers opening, but damage sound and all other types (mob spawn, etc) are not working. I can hear sound perfectly fine in the Alpha/Demo. Tested the Beta on both my Windows XP and Windows 8 computer, both do not work.
                                      • Restarter000

                                        Restarter000 Intergalactic Tourist

                                        Haven't gotten an email or anything ;_;
                                        • Vizjun

                                          Vizjun Starship Captain

                                          Wait guys... Is the CBT released ?

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