Well, you could for instance add a risk of sentient rampage. Or the clones joining up on you. Or both. Because that picture... that meme... must NEVER appear in this forum. This forum is too good for it. You are too good for it. EVERYONE is too good for it. Because If someone tries this on Rho or Tye, I swear to god I will be VERY unhappy.
Sorry about the meme. Please explain What you mean by Clones joining up on you. You mean like stop following orders in the middle of a siege and turn on me trying kill me.
Somewhat. You see, you will have to take precautions against this, obviously. But there is a chance that they hate you for having power over them. They rebel. OR for the first idea, a lone clone's genome is slightly, or very, deformed. He turns into either a crazed murderer or a crazed horrible-looking murderer. You get me?
You hit the nail right on the head with that. Also, master1237, it's "to each their own". Don't be sexist, man.
Instead of constantly repeating "theres already billions of threads, its easy to find one", prove it. If it's so easy to find, find it and show the OP. I recommend you give this thread a read, it might make you realise that you aren't being helpful at all by telling people this.
http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/cloning-n-p-cs-and-the-p-c.16260/ http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/different-race-cloning.16158/ http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/avian-cloning-animation-from-rho.14723/ http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/spark-of-life-cloning-controversy.14435/ http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/cloning-and-teleporting-respawn-combined.14483/ http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/death-penalty-with-cloning.14410/ http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/cloning-mutant-machines.9437/ http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/death-and-cloning.4640/ http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/cloning-and-dead-bodies.931/ Also, being new does not justify breaking the rules.
None of those have anything to do with this thread. This thread talks about cloning NPCs that you have. Every single link you posted is about the cloning animation when you die, except for this one which is about cloning animals on your planet and making hybrids of them. And while being new doesn't justify breaking rules, replying to them with snide, sarcastic comments such as this isn't justifiable either: Simply tell them "Sorry, but this thread has been posted before, and here is a link to that thread...". But I guess you couldn't have done that either since there wasn't a similar thread before anyway... I could write more, but I don't want to start another argument. Just make sure next time that what you're posting is helpful to everyone, including the new members.
Any way let's get back on track. Do you have any ideas to improve Cloning. (And I am sorry for my irrational behavior earlier.)
Robots could easily be programmed to detect and avoid hazards, they're not lemmings. Plus, electronics can be protected against an EMP. And robots are less squishy than clones.
Well said. Im all up for large mechs that I saw in gundam, swordxgun, the Evangelion series (They were good no?) (Also, yes not only am I a brony but I am a anime lover. YOU DARE NOT HATE)
Or you could use hundreds of your own clones but there should be THOUSANDS of your enemies clones. Because you alone can defeat a thousand then a hundred of you can defeat a hundred thousand. QED. It should be all TONIGHT WE DINE... IN HELL type stuff