Cloning N.P.C's and the P.C

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by master1237, Mar 20, 2013.


Is this a good idea

  1. yes

    12 vote(s)
  2. with some tweaking mabe

    13 vote(s)
  3. No(But I really think this is a good idea and was going to pick yes but mouse slipped)

    3 vote(s)
  1. master1237

    master1237 Big Damn Hero

    Yeah OK how about this when cloning you have to cover the costs of equipping clones automatically (E.X- Basic clone trooper has Rifle ,Helmet, Armor all together costs 1000 pixels) but Spec Ops package is more expensive 1900 pixels for spec ops equipped clone and so on and so on but you can change the load out anytime you want (Ex- The clones soldiers use level 2 laser rifles and basic armor but thanks to our production facility we can now mass produce level 5 rifles and advanced armor but at higher production costs)

    You can change the load outs of Spec Ops, snipers, medics, soldiers for certain missions or certain planets (E.X- Water worlds or desert planets)

    Something like this(If you have a better picture of what I am talking about please post it
  2. KuroHinotori

    KuroHinotori Spaceman Spiff

    I'm meh on the idea in general, since it's just an alternative to NPC recruiting, I could see it being a mod for people who'd like to clone people.
  3. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    I agree with this, although it could be cool, we can already recruit other NPC's, and if you really wanted an army, just deck them out in the same gear.

    Also your pole is unfair...
  4. master1237

    master1237 Big Damn Hero

    I don't see how(My face right now)

  5. KuroHinotori

    KuroHinotori Spaceman Spiff

    Meaning that there is no "No." option. There should be.
    Alternal likes this.
  6. master1237

    master1237 Big Damn Hero

    I know that the picture should have been an indication and besides there is a no button(Just not a Sincere one)
  7. Interesting idea. Although, the fact that there's little to no punctuation in the OP kinda discourages me from reading thoroughly.
  8. master1237

    master1237 Big Damn Hero

    So sorry I was just Excited to Post My Idea I Forgot about That.


    I should have corrected it now.
    AstroBlast likes this.
  9. It's much better. Not perfect, but readable. [​IMG]
  10. Heartstrings

    Heartstrings Giant Laser Beams

    Sometimes things should go wrong, or a faulty clone or two.
    master1237 and AstroBlast like this.
  11. master1237

    master1237 Big Damn Hero

    Yes good idea a couple of 99's every now and again
  12. Heartstrings

    Heartstrings Giant Laser Beams

    Or worse, order 66.
  13. master1237

    master1237 Big Damn Hero

    That would be terrible My own troops turning on the Generals I appointed long ago whose moral's Don't agree with me any more And they tried to turn against their once kind leader
  14. Heartstrings

    Heartstrings Giant Laser Beams

    I mean YOU are the jedi.
  15. master1237

    master1237 Big Damn Hero

    Well Then I Know some of my clones will remain loyal to me But the others Will have to see the end of my plasma blade.
  16. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    You realize right that this would cause massive amounts of problems? For one, you might have a fight about who is the real one or why YOU get to control THEM. Just speaking in real world terms.
  17. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Also, iits not a plasma blade exactly. Its a electromagnetic cage holding a constantly refilling amount of superhot ions
  18. master1237

    master1237 Big Damn Hero

    Not necessarily the clones would have their own traits and opinions (They are like twins) on stuff they know they are their own person but personal feelings and genetic modifications makes them unique.
  19. Filipfonky

    Filipfonky Cosmic Narwhal

    You're basically suggesting that there should be a cloning device.

    Uhm, yup, no problem at all. Never suggested before. Hmm-mh. Allright.
  20. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    That aswell. Sarcasm aside, this has been suggested a bunch of times. Also, it brings in problems. And if you wish to clone and then change his/her genome, then why spend money on it? He would basically be a NPC. You can recruit them (mostly) for free!

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