Cloning N.P.C's and the P.C

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by master1237, Mar 20, 2013.


Is this a good idea

  1. yes

    12 vote(s)
  2. with some tweaking mabe

    13 vote(s)
  3. No(But I really think this is a good idea and was going to pick yes but mouse slipped)

    3 vote(s)
  1. master1237

    master1237 Big Damn Hero

    OK here's my idea you can take an npc or your pc and clone them for a certain amount of pixels say 1000 a clone. You can also station them on important planets they would have your stats or the npc you cloned stats. You can name them to avoid confusion. They would not be a perfect copy though they could have their own traits and hairstyles and communicate with each other differently and you could build your own army.



    And yes these Gifs are from star wars and this is Star bound not Star wars but it gives more uses to cloning than just re-spawn. Just think your own clone army An army of one and the right one for the job.

    “Magnificent, aren’t they?”
  2. endothrax

    endothrax Void-Bound Voyager

    i like
    master1237 likes this.
  3. KuroHinotori

    KuroHinotori Spaceman Spiff

    The part where they "wouldn't have the same traits" makes no sense, given that they'd be clones their phenotype and genotype should be the same, otherwise, I'm kinda meh on the idea.
  4. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    It does't have to be genetic specifically though right?
    I mean depending on the environment they're around they could produce different attitudes and characteristics.
    master1237 likes this.
  5. master1237

    master1237 Big Damn Hero

    You understand it clones are like twins we look the same but are not the same
    Evangelion likes this.
  6. KuroHinotori

    KuroHinotori Spaceman Spiff

    I meant more like physical traits, obviously people act differently based on a variety of factors.
  7. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    Well if he had specifically said physical traits you would've been right about it not making sense, but he meant traits in general so that's why you were wrong.
    master1237 likes this.
  8. Joker

    Joker Starship Captain

    I'd like to build more robots.
  9. master1237

    master1237 Big Damn Hero

    What does that have to do with cloning?
  10. Joker

    Joker Starship Captain

    If I need some soldiers or miners, I'd like to choose robots rather than clones. I don't think cloning is a good idea.
  11. master1237

    master1237 Big Damn Hero

    "To each his own"

    But in my opinion clones are better because they do more than a droid.
  12. KuroHinotori

    KuroHinotori Spaceman Spiff

    I'm sure there'd be enough NPCs to find so you wouldn't need to clone, but I guess I wouldn't be against it if it was really expensive or something to balance it out, so people don't run around with clone armies while some people try to just recruit.
  13. master1237

    master1237 Big Damn Hero

    I would station 5 clones of my level 20 character at high risk facilities than to higher 15 level 2 bounty hunters or npc's to guard my precious Mech and weapon Facility
  14. DNAY!

    DNAY! Ketchup Robot

    No, I disagree... It's not fun to just clone that super-awesome-NPC-that-can-upgrade-your-guns-to-an-infinite-level-but-only-once. Nope.
  15. master1237

    master1237 Big Damn Hero

    You act as if they will come with guns armor and cost 1 pixel a clone they are expensive 20000 pixels a clone minimum and you will have to pay for armor and weapons and they are only doing one thing soldiers or a scientist.
    and they have basic stats no special unique stats that the original template had (e.x - Template had quick shot perk because he killed a group of enemy commandos clones wont because they are not memory clones just physical clones they think uniquely Ex- Trooper has survived 3 wars and fought countless battles his stats are higher than other's who were just cloned and he gained resistance to damage perk.

    But I see what you mean maybe they start at halve your level and stats.
  16. Pappaknox

    Pappaknox Phantasmal Quasar

    :wtf: If I had that many pixels in starbound, I'd buy something much better than a clone. If it cost that much. It should be more reasonable, like 300 pixels a clone.
  17. master1237

    master1237 Big Damn Hero

    That why I posted this we could Bring our ideas With out over powering it how about 5000 pixels or more
  18. KuroHinotori

    KuroHinotori Spaceman Spiff

    As far as we know, at least from what Tiy has said, a player's level depends on their equipment, meaning that you don't actually level up. Meaning clones would come with nothing and always be level 0 unless you had duplicates of all of your gear.
  19. master1237

    master1237 Big Damn Hero

    Ok then you can still station them on bases give them equipment and have them assigned to pilot mechs starships scientist and work at production facilities
  20. KuroHinotori

    KuroHinotori Spaceman Spiff

    Which you can do for NPCs, and one would think NPCs already come with at least some gear.

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