Clint Selling Bars and other crafting required minerals

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by UnexpectedParole, May 29, 2019.

  1. UnexpectedParole

    UnexpectedParole Phantasmal Quasar

    There is an update coming, and maybe I've missed the deadline for adding this, but I can't think the code would be too difficult to implement since the mechanics of Clint selling things is already in place. And the items exist in the world. Surely it would just be increasing his inventory slots and the prices to match?

    I get that Clint sells us the ores. And I can surely take them home and throw them in a furnace to craft our own bars. And everything I need to craft something is in the mines.

    But I'm a farmer and he is a blacksmith. I thought it was his job to make bars and mine was to grow food?

    I'm not trying to get to the resources sooner than able, <having him wait to sell iron bars until I have access to iron bars on my own is fine> I'm just trying to allow my farmer more time to farm or process farm crops and animals and less digging in a mine.

    A bar of iron is 5 iron ore and 1 coal plus hours in the furnace. Each iron bar in year 1 is $150 and so is coal.

    That would be 6 x $150 or $900 for each bar in materials. I don't know what is fair for his time and work, but I could see $1,000 to say $1,200 a bar for year 1?

    In year 2 things go to 6 x 250 or 1500 in materials. Cost $1,750 to $2,000 ?

    Ideally I'd love to pay for crafted items like kegs, hives and preserve jars from <whomever> Robin, Clint, Pierre, Marnie, or from a new character that sells that type of thing instead of having to craft them myself. Even paying a premium for components and the time saving.

    But I'd also be happy just getting the components too. Even Clint only sold me back the quartz I sold him (at a profit for him), or he sold me refined quartz at an even bigger profit to him. I'm ok with that markup too.

    If folks want to spend lots of time in the mines and gather their own resources, then the totally would be able to still. But no one would have to.

    Does this make sense?
      WilliamZ likes this.
    • WilliamZ

      WilliamZ Phantasmal Quasar

      He could sell different things if:
      • a) year after year, as like if he was upgrading his shop;
      • b) after you made "x" quantity of money in your farm selling stuff, theoretically if you're injecting more money into the town the economy will start to flow, so he will be able to offer more things.

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