Clint not cracking my geodes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by boocat, Jun 5, 2017.

  1. boocat

    boocat Void-Bound Voyager

    Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong? I go up to the anvil with a dozen geodes to crack, but I can't set any down to process. Clint tells me to set them on the anvil, but then nothing happens, I can't actually do it. I have no clue. Please help...
    • Pangaea

      Pangaea Forum Moderator

      You need at least once open inventory space to crack a geode. Check that first.
      • Ghostly Fox

        Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

        That space can't be created by the lifting of the geode stack, either.
        • Borodin

          Borodin Oxygen Tank

          Once you put a geode in front of Clint, you have to click the geode for him to proceed. You also must have both money to cover the cost.
          • DJ_Berk

            DJ_Berk Seal Broken

            Don't do this out in the this in the "Process Geodes" window that comes up. Grab the geode from your inventory and drag it to the little picture of the anvil he's standing in front of.
            • boocat

              boocat Void-Bound Voyager

              I am so dumb! What I was doing incorrectly was walking across the room and trying to set it on the actual anvil! I forgot that "action windows" open for specialty procedures like this. I wasn't following through on the "Process Geodes" instruction, thus enabling the little inset window to open. All is solved and well now. Thank you for your kindness, time and advice.

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