RELEASED CleanFarm - Auto farm maintenance

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by TheCatMan, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. TheCatMan

    TheCatMan Void-Bound Voyager

    On each new day this mod will remove all debris and other items from the farm that you specify in the config (see below).

    This was mostly made as per request of someone in Discord but I figured others might find it useful as well. It hasn't been tested super thoroughly either so there may be some issues.

    Warning: It may be a good idea to back up your save game as your farm is saved after the items have been removed.

    This mod works with the most recent version of Stardew Valley (last tested with 1.1).

    This mod requires SMAPI 1.0 or higher to run.

    For instructions on installing SMAPI view this help page.

    1. Download the latest release here.
    2. Unzip the contents into your Mods folder which is located in the same directory as your Stardew Valley.exe and StardewValleyModdingAPI.exe.
    To uninstall this mod you can simply delete the "CleanFarm" folder from your Mods directory.

    In this mod's config.json file you will find options to enable/disable which objects are 'cleaned' from your farm. The options are:

    "RemoveGrass": false,
    "RemoveWeeds": true,
    "RemoveStones": true,
    "RemoveTwigs": true,
    "RemoveStumps": true,
    "RemoveSaplings": true,
    "MaxTreeGrowthStageToAllow": 5, // min 1, max 5
    "RemoveLargeLogs": true,
    "RemoveLargeRocks": true

    The MaxTreeGrowthStageToAllow is only used if RemoveSaplings is true. It represents the max growth stage allowed, so any trees with a lower growth stage will be removed. This allows you to remove all seeds but keep existing saplings etc. Only values between 1 and 5 are valid.

    The growth stages are:

    • 0 - Seed
    • 1 - Sprout
    • 2 - Sapling
    • 3 - Bush
    • 4 - Small Tree
    • 5 - Tree
    For more information on how to modify the config see this page.

    Source code is available here.
      Last edited: Jan 9, 2017

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