Cjb mods, gift taste helper and item sell price not working correctly

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Psyboy, May 24, 2018.

  1. Psyboy

    Psyboy Space Hobo

    Basically the problem is that for all of the text in these mods, instead of displaying the proper text, it displays the text with "no translation:labels." before it, sometimes in brackets. I have the latest version of smapi (and the modes), and apart from this problem all these mods work completely fine (btw I'm in the beta edition, haven't tried this out in 1.2). Can anyone help?

    screenshot for reference:
    Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at 9.03.30 PM.png
    • starllight

      starllight Orbital Explorer

    • Mizzion

      Mizzion Phantasmal Quasar

      It looks like you forgot to include the

      It should be included in the mod's zipped file you downloaded. If you did include it and it still isn't working can you tell us what Language you're playing the game in?[/quote]
      • Psyboy

        Psyboy Space Hobo


        This folder is in there, so I imagine I just have to drag the contents out into the main folder right?
        for other mods I had to do this, so I imagine it's the same (btw I'm playing in english so it shouldn't be a problem).

        edit: I just did this, and found out that in all the mods that weren't working properly or at all for some reason had extra folders inside them, so I guess that proves it. Thanks a lot from your help!
        • Mizzion

          Mizzion Phantasmal Quasar

          Yeah you place the i18n folder inside of the mods\MODNAME folder. So for CJBCheat Menu, you would drag that zipped files i18n folder and place it in Mods\CJBCheatMenu's folder

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