DrakoZ updated Chozo with a new update entry: Small bug fix & sfx Read the rest of this update entry...
If someone knows how to upgrade the standard morphball, that you could put a bomb, it would have helped much =)
Just found this: http://www.sounds-resource.com/game_boy_advance/metroidfusion/ The site contains alot of sound effects etc. SInce they have Metroid Fusion as well, I thougt you might like to take a look.
DrakoZ updated Chozo with a new update entry: Recipes fix, add new beams Read the rest of this update entry...
My only question is how are we going to get the Molten Cores if we don't have the admin commands active on the game? I mean you could, if possible, make a recipe to craft them. If I were to make the recipe I would have it to where you need say 20 - steel ingot 10 - titanium ingot 5 - core fragment ore Though this is my opinion on this as I have disabled the use of the /admin command in my game.
I have replaced Molten Cores at solarium star In the future, it will be done separately and for an special items.
DrakoZ updated Chozo with a new update entry: Dark&White Beam animation fix&changed. Read the rest of this update entry...
I started a bit of a metroid mod myself a while ago, I got stuck on making random generated monsters use scripts I make. If you want you can have the mod, it has a half-decent space jump
thx Yes, I know your fashion sad that suspended. I have always had problems with lua I have done through the clothing, I think as much as possible on the other in the future.
I had a look at this mod and I am curious if you would provide alternate uses for the light/dark beams much like metroid prime 2? You know, shooting a naturally spawning light crystal or a light/dark door/portal and it activates it? Also... why does light beam paralyse while dark beam burns? In the metroid games, the light beam caused the burning effect while dark was the one that paralysed some opponents. I hope to see more of this mod as I am really curious where you will take it... if you will included the dreaded HYPER beam, phazon, ing, metroids etc... hope to see what you do!
Now I add, and create (templates) Because many things can not converge and only after everything is done, I'll take the debugging of all that I am + try to do on the way. Time short of it all =)