WIP Chocobos mod!

Discussion in 'Pets/Horses' started by NachoDevs, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. NachoDevs

    NachoDevs Void-Bound Voyager

    Same I thought when I was trying the mod, but yeah, right now I think is not possible, but I am working with the API which should give me more control on these, and who knows, maybe we will soon get a more accurate sprite ;D. Thanks for your comment.
      burningleos likes this.
    • NachoDevs

      NachoDevs Void-Bound Voyager

      OH! cool, thanks a lot again! ;D
        burningleos likes this.
      • NachoDevs

        NachoDevs Void-Bound Voyager

        By the way it sounds sooooooo good, I love it!
          burningleos likes this.
        • burningleos

          burningleos Cosmic Narwhal

          No Problem, Its your mod, So do whatever you like with it, I just provided that nostalgic touch!

          Although I have a suggestion you can add to your list, Raising Chocobos, and have different sprites to represent its life cycle, So from a chick, to it losing its soft feathers, and grow to an adult, and start to molt its feathers to represent it as an old chocobo
            NachoDevs likes this.
          • NachoDevs

            NachoDevs Void-Bound Voyager

            Yeah!, I already have that idea of growing chocobos on my list, the idea was given by LastChristmasCG ( http://community.playstarbound.com/members/lastchristmascg.612424/ ).

            But thanks anyway! :up:
            • burningleos

              burningleos Cosmic Narwhal

              Now we need to have an ability to create in game events or possible minigames, And one idea came to mind is well, Chocobo Racing!
                NachoDevs likes this.
              • NachoDevs

                NachoDevs Void-Bound Voyager

                That sound very good, I love it, adding it to my list!
                • Kit Ballard

                  Kit Ballard Tentacle Wrangler

                  It is. I'm more akin to the "Wark" as it's fun to sound, and doesn't sound like I'm just coughing.
                    NachoDevs likes this.
                  • burningleos

                    burningleos Cosmic Narwhal

                    Reminds me of some old guy coughing, "wark wark warrrrk"
                      NachoDevs likes this.
                    • Kit Ballard

                      Kit Ballard Tentacle Wrangler

                      hahaha :rofl:
                        NachoDevs likes this.
                      • Zhuria

                        Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

                        Ha! I was working on one of these too.. Now I don't have to finish it! Haha. Good job!
                          NachoDevs likes this.
                        • NachoDevs

                          NachoDevs Void-Bound Voyager

                          Wow! what a coincidence haha, thanks! Post any ideas if you want, and I will do my best to implement them!
                          • Zhuria

                            Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

                            The only reason I was was because someone on Twitter was like OH MY GOD I NEED CHOCOBOS! so my heart wasn't entirely into it, and I was getting frustrated with making the sprites fit (coincidentally I was using the same ones :rofl:) so I just set it aside for later. Really glad you're doing it because I probably never would have finished!
                              NachoDevs likes this.
                            • NachoDevs

                              NachoDevs Void-Bound Voyager

                              Haha, well I'm glad you like it ;D
                                Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
                              • renamon426

                                renamon426 Poptop Tamer

                                This replaced textures goes well with the red XII replacing the dog. Now we just need a re texture sprite for the wizard to make him into one of the wizards from final fantasy, the black wizard would probably suit him best.
                                  NachoDevs likes this.
                                • irrimn

                                  irrimn Pangalactic Porcupine

                                  What about 'Chocobo of the Valley'? Or 'Chocobo a la Valley'?
                                    NachoDevs and burningleos like this.
                                  • burningleos

                                    burningleos Cosmic Narwhal

                                    Most Chocobo theme songs in the Final Fantasy Series have its genre and "De Chocobo" In its name, So Songs like Odeka de Chocobo, Electro de Chocobo, Fiddle De Chocobo, Brass De Chocobo, Dash De Chocobo... and thing goes on, But, the only exception is its themes in the Fabula Nova Crystalis Anthology (The Final Fantasy XIII Series, Type 0, and FFXV Games) Which starting from FFXIII is the song, Chocobos of Cocoon, and so forth

                                    Crazy How I know this?, well, I am a Final Fantasy Fan, Played since IV came on the SNES
                                      MayaMayhem and NachoDevs like this.
                                    • burningleos

                                      burningleos Cosmic Narwhal

                                      Oh Yea, I was thinking about him to look like ViVi from IX
                                        NachoDevs likes this.
                                      • NachoDevs

                                        NachoDevs Void-Bound Voyager

                                        Well...It is not a bad idea, but right now I am focusing only in the chocobos, but hey!, I will add it to the list of posible ideas, thanks for your colaboration!!
                                        • cantorsdust

                                          cantorsdust Existential Complex

                                          Added to mod list!
                                            burningleos and NachoDevs like this.

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