I've uploaded the piano tracks that have been made for the mod to my soundcloud in stereo. Check it out: https://soundcloud.com/crystan-seaage/sets/starbound-chocobo-mod-piano-tracks
I crafted my first blueprint, and equipped the tech. I then went planet side and hit "F" and nothing happened. Is there any know conflicts with other mods, or is there something I am missing?
Jump and use the tech then - there's a certain space required to activate the tech. There is no way the mod could conflict with any other at this time.
Hey, Dragonith, may I borrow your moogle sprite (with the proper crediting of course) for this: [Link] I wanted to use it for a synthesis station.
I'd like to get one out asap, but I'm currently having some issues with my Steam account. Can't really test anything for the next update until I get that resolved unfortunately.
So yeah no matter what patch it is, when ever i try to install this f****ing mod it always crashes my game.
No reason for harsh words buddy... The mod is only compatible with the pre winter patch stable game version (koala).
couldn't even get it to work then. tried to find help and couldn't get any. So not to happy you feel me?
Well, you haven't asked here for help before, so theres no reason for to be mad at us. Anyway, we're planning to release a new version soon - which will be compatible with the most recent game version.