RELEASED Chicklet - Save file editor & Map Editor V2.1.4

A save file & Map editor for StardewValley

  1. MrBenDK

    MrBenDK Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Attempted to download 1.8.7 through auto-updater.
    Got to screen with text "downloading update". 5 seconds later the program closes and brings up a DOS prompt named "Timeout 3", stating "Waiting for 3-2-1 seconds", pressing any key or letting it run out closes it, nothing is updated.

    Attempted download from MediaFire upload.
    Archive does not appear to contain an executeable or anything of worth to the average user.
    • stefanhaan

      stefanhaan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      The DOS prompt is normal with the updater, and it counts down from 3 seconds so that it's absolutely sure that chicklet is closed, otherwise I can't overwrite its files. Then it renames resources/update.asar to resources/app.asar
      And then it should restart Chicklet.

      Which one did you download from Mediafire?
      • MrBenDK

        MrBenDK Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        At least now I know the DOS prompt is normal then, though it still wouldn't update..

        I just hit the download link on the top of the page, though when I'm inspecting things now, this looks to be the iOS version, whoops!
        Checked the links further and the 64bit Windows link is the same as the iOS version link too.

        The 32bit Windows link seems to give me a working version, though on boot it notifies of an update to 1.8.8, which again fails to download. I'm assuming this is just nonsense?
        • stefanhaan

          stefanhaan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          Do you happen to have chicklet somewhere on your C drive?

          It probably doesn't have enough permissions to remove/rename it's own files.
          • stefanhaan

            stefanhaan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            No it's actually true, the download atm is 1.8.7. But I've hotfixed a small patch through the auto updater. Where did you store Chicklet on your PC?

            Let me correct the download links atleast ;)
            • MrBenDK

              MrBenDK Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              Yeah, I had simply dragged into my documnets folder..
              Dragged it over to a different drive and it updated successfully.
              • stefanhaan

                stefanhaan Scruffy Nerf-Herder


                For now I'll make sure to add a note of this, and I'll look into a way into overcoming that security issue. Might be tricky to do, but I'll see if I can find something
                • RetroChampion

                  RetroChampion Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  So I have a windows Comp. This is pretty dumb...but how do i use it ;-;
                  • stefanhaan

                    stefanhaan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    You download the windows one, 32bit or 64bit depending on your PC. You unzip the download to a location (Preferably not on the C drive, for permission issues with the auto-updater.)

                    Then you run Chicklet.exe in the unzipped folder, and then you can select your save file by clicking on the input field. And it should open a file explorer where you can pick your save file.
                    • MrBenDK

                      MrBenDK Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      Just as a last addition here; the download link issue with iOS and 64bit being identical is only in the main links.
                      The three mirror links to google drive are all different and indeed has the 64bit version in the designated link.
                      • RetroChampion

                        RetroChampion Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      • stefanhaan

                        stefanhaan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        They should be fixed now for Mediafire!
                        • Corraidhín

                          Corraidhín Supernova

                          Oh hey nice update! and here I was gonna mention that in the previous version, after an in-game save, using chicklet might bring up an error like missing text file, missing element file. simply playing another day would fix it. I will try this version :3
                          • RetroChampion

                            RetroChampion Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            So is it possible to edit your social "levels"?
                            • Corraidhín

                              Corraidhín Supernova

                              if its possible, be careful editing those! CA stated that if you trigger a heart event that is supposed to take place in the same spot as another heart event is also supposed to happen, the game will think you saw both events!
                              • RetroChampion

                                RetroChampion Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                Hmm...So it set's red flag's?
                                • Corraidhín

                                  Corraidhín Supernova

                                  pretty much yeah, if it happens, all you need to do is edit your save so the events "didnt happen", allowing you to see events you havent seen
                                  • RetroChampion

                                    RetroChampion Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    OK not gonna mess around with that!
                                    • MrBenDK

                                      MrBenDK Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      Tried out the inventory editor, the mouse wheel directions are opposite what the usage guide says; scrolling down increases the item stack size and scrolling up decreases it.
                                      On a side note, the wording "increase stack size in increments of negative 2/10" is a bit odd, isn't it?
                                      • stefanhaan

                                        stefanhaan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        Yep that error has been solved now!
                                          Corraidhín likes this.

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