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Bug/Issue Chest bug XB1

Discussion in 'Support' started by Shanthri, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. Shanthri

    Shanthri Space Hobo

    I need help fixing a chest that's been glitched out for a long time now, I have been pretty bummed about playing the game since but finally got around to posting about it.

    Normally I would just restart but this is a very big save. I hope you guys can clear this up for me.

    Details about the bug is that the chest is in-accessible. When first loaded, the chest inside the house seems to change graphics of house furnishings at a rapid pace then stop at the chest graphic. Can't open it.

    Sorry, here's hoping you can help me.
    • Shanthri

      Shanthri Space Hobo

      gov shut down effect forums too?

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