RELEASED [Characters & Portraits] GenderBend :: Alex , Elliott, Harvey, Sam & Sebastian [Complete 25/06/2016]

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by Adarin, May 13, 2016.

  1. aldasar

    aldasar Void-Bound Voyager

    You're doing gods work.
    • Reiko-samaa

      Reiko-samaa Void-Bound Voyager

      i like themX3 but short question, do you also have some normal Portraits and such from the girls and/or other characters?
      • t4k0y4k1

        t4k0y4k1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Thanks... Since it's hard to edit sprite, I'm no good with editing :3, I can only do this though... I'll attach the dialogue when it's done, per family I guess...
        • aldasar

          aldasar Void-Bound Voyager

          If I'm not mistaking only Sam's sprite is not working right? Dialogue should be enough since it would be weird otherwise if they were still referred as a male.
          • AnakhaSilver

            AnakhaSilver Void-Bound Voyager

            The dialogue mod is being updated by the one who originally made it. Just give them time.
            • t4k0y4k1

              t4k0y4k1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              for your information, harvey got 5 new character sprite on 1.1 update... so the total now 51 character sprite for harvey... please help us, adarin... we want harriet :kitten2:
              • Lumina

                Lumina Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                Hoping so as well. I was surprised how much more enjoyable Harvey is as a genderbender. I'm not very fond of the rest, might just stick with Harvey Genderbender only. But, being they updated Harvey. The genderbender Harvey reminds me of Yomiko Readmen from Read or Die. lol
                • t4k0y4k1

                  t4k0y4k1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  ... Is it fine to share an update that I make for adarin's harriet/genderbend harvey character sprite here?
                  • AnakhaSilver

                    AnakhaSilver Void-Bound Voyager

                    I don't think you'd get in trouble so long as you promise to take it down if the author comes back?
                    • t4k0y4k1

                      t4k0y4k1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      okay, I'll take it down when adarin make an update for it. Enjoy :kitten2:

                      KeionDryke have update the dialogue mod for this mod, here's the link :

                      now, I'm really looking for FemShane...

                        Attached Files:

                        Last edited: Oct 20, 2016
                        Ribbon-Kitten, Exiom and ateos like this.
                      • Koji Koshigi

                        Koji Koshigi Orbital Explorer

                        yeah thai สร้าง ครับ
                        • synnatinna

                          synnatinna Space Hobo

                          น่ารักมากๆเลย ขอบคุณมากค่า :D
                          • manzara

                            manzara Guest

                            HI Andarin, can you check the "miscellaneous" area then go to" seasonalbuilding post and check the whole post please??! We need you.
                            • t4k0y4k1

                              t4k0y4k1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                              hi adarin, is this thread dead? I still looking for FemShane... Please help us... :kitten2:
                              • bitesizedbeatle

                                bitesizedbeatle Void-Bound Voyager

                                I used Alex and Sam, and now I'm wishing my farmer sprite was as tiny and cute as them!!
                                • fdlkmejkdfc

                                  fdlkmejkdfc Seal Broken

                                  its fantastic..thanx
                                  • ErroBug

                                    ErroBug Space Hobo

                                    Adarin where would the file stay to change from "adopt" to get pregnant?
                                    • RinnyMae

                                      RinnyMae Void-Bound Voyager

                                      I think what we really need now is some genderbent girls!
                                      • Ribbon-Kitten

                                        Ribbon-Kitten Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        Is it possible to use multiple of these mods? Like Sabrina and Sam for example? Or can I use only one?
                                        • t4k0y4k1

                                          t4k0y4k1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                          You can use all of it... to make it easier, here's the direct link to adarin mod folder :

                                          You will also need KeionDryke dialogue mod :

                                          For Harriet (Harvey Genderbend) updated file, you can find it on my post in this page.

                                          Hope this help
                                            Ribbon-Kitten likes this.

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