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Character Themes?

Discussion in 'Fan Works' started by Rhammi, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Rhammi

    Rhammi Big Damn Hero

    For each character, what song comes to mind as far as a theme song goes?
    • DNLK

      DNLK Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Songs fit locations, not characters. When I hear Cyclogenesis, all I can imagine is Dump Caverns and Monsoon appears like an Desolate Forest in my head.
      • Daimera

        Daimera Cosmic Narwhal

        I think Rhammi means, like, music not from the game itself that you associate with the characters. Like, is there a song with lyrics that make you think of any of RoR's characters? Doesn't even have to have lyrics, maybe just a song you hear somewhere else that makes you think of an RoR character. I do this with my own characters a lot, it's a fun exercise.

        For example, I actually think of Lemurians when I hear Laura Shigihara's From the Ground Up. I know it's a Minecraft song, but whenever I hear it, it just gives me these feels of the Lemurians minding their own business in their little tunnels, only for the "rain" of fiery death to come from the exploding ship, bringing with it 'zombies' (the player characters, emerging from the wreckage of their pods) who proceed to destroy everything around them for their own survival, leaving any remaining inhabitants of the planet to scrape their lives back together and rebuild after the Contact Light leaves. It's really abstract and doesn't really make a whole lot of sense, but that's just how my brain pieces it together.

        On the other hand, Frontline by Pillar makes me think of the survivors, particularly if they've banded together to escape the planet. Though Commando and Enforcer stand out the most in terms of the theme. Though I guess it's kinda unfair because I associate that song with any group of badasses trying to battle against ridiculous odds.

        I drew a lot of my drawings (especially the rough character sketches) while listening to various renditions of Guren no Yumiya, so I associate it with them on occasion, but then again what DOESN'T that song go with?

        It's hard for me to dig up with individual character themes in general because I have a regrettably small collection of music, the majority of which is video game music... I have no problem assigning songs from games to my own OCs (since it's just personal mental association and it's not like I'm publishing anything), but there is some awkwardness to be had to assign a song from one game to a character in another game.

        I think this is a pretty interesting topic in theory, and I'd like to hear more people's takes as I like stalking music topics because it's fun to get to learn about music/artists I may not already be familiar with.
          DNLK likes this.
        • Rhammi

          Rhammi Big Damn Hero

          Handing thread owner ship over to Daimera due to much better response than the actual question xD

          But yeah, sorry I didn't go into detail too much on my first post. I was mostly asking what songs do you feel best fits specific characters. For example while a little cliché I feel that the Huntress's theme is pretty much anything from Metroid, though I personally like Metroid Prime: Just a Little More (Prime Edit) OC Remix. It just seem's to fit her. For the Sniper I pretty much imagine anything with PRO MLG 360 NO SCOPE type dubstep lol. I have more if anyone is interested.
            Last edited: Jan 19, 2014
          • Dolphinflavored

            Dolphinflavored Star Wrangler

            Or maybe someone a of a certain musical lineage could possibly make their own special characterized theme songs of their own maybe possibly perhaps.
            Some one could write songs for each character.
            I, however, have no musical lineage and would fail epically if I attempted to do such a thing.
            Just a suggestion.
            • Rhammi

              Rhammi Big Damn Hero

              That'd be pretty cool if someone would do that. Until that time im stuck searching up songs for a playlist for when I play the game xD
              99% complete, providence log y u so hard to find ;__;

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