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Bug/Issue Character Model Stuck After Accessing TV

Discussion in 'Support' started by CorgiMD, Apr 30, 2018.

  1. CorgiMD

    CorgiMD Space Hobo

    I'm playing the new Beta but in singleplayer. I clicked on the TV whilst my sword was equipped, but the usual box didn't come up; instead I blocked with the sword and my character animation became stuck in 1 frame (see image below).
    I clicked my sofa to try and get unstuck, but now it won't let me put the sofa down or switch to any other tool (I tried scrolling, clicking, and pressing the numbers on the keyboard). I could get out of my house and access the inventory and menus, but I can not click on my horse, any doors, gates, etc. My character just stands with her back facing me and seems to glide when I move.

    (I didn't know whether to put the bug for the Beta here or in the Multiplayer thread, but since this was in singleplayer, I thought to put it just in the Support section.)
    • Jessimi

      Jessimi Void-Bound Voyager

      I got this bug as well with my sword (during multi-player with 1 person), but it was when I went to talk to Maru while holding the sword. I went into the defense stance, and then I was stuck in that stance. I could walk around but in a bugged defense pose. Swinging my sword normal fixed it for me to get out of that pose.

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