Modding Help Changing the sale price of artisan goods

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Ankou, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. Ankou

    Ankou Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Has anyone had any success with altering the price of certain artisan goods? Or even interpreting the meaning of the variables in ObjectInformation?

    I've been toying with ObjectInformation, changing the sale price of certain goods in order to make the game more challenging. With some items changing a specific data value does seem to work in game but with others it either doesn't work at all or changes it in some way I don't really comprehend.

    Most things are fairly straight forward and work like I suspect they should.
    "Parsnip/30/10/Basic -75/A spring tuber closely related to the carrot. It has an earthy taste and is full of nutrients." #!String
    The 30 being the sale value, and setting it changes the value of them in game to 30 with the silver and gold quality being based on 30. Other veggies, foraged items, fish, and gemstones seem to work equally as well.

    However, for some reason this doesn't seem to work particularly well with artisan goods.
    "Mayonnaise/65/-300/Basic -26/It looks spreadable." #!String
    For some reason, when I change what I assume is the data value for the sale price of mayonnaise, in game a basic mayo now sells for 100g. Not 150 like it normally does but not 65 either. Even setting that value to 1 or changing the value of the eggs it seems to stay around 100g. The default value for the bold number was the expected sale value of mayo.

    Other goods like cloth, beer, and pale ale just aren't effected by my attempted changes at all. For example:
    "Pale Ale/100/20/Basic -26/Drink in moderation./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
    No matter what I change that bold number to (that started at 300, the expected sale value of a pale ale) the price remains 300g.

    Changing the cost of the animals themselves, and buildings, was extremely straight forward. I'm just hung up on those artisan goods which are so OP apparently they are immune to my attempts to nerf them.
    • killerroy

      killerroy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      ID like a more Challenging Mod too, like getting way less money n expensive buildings, maybe a beach House for like 3 milllions or something would be awesome too!
      • Concerned Gorilla

        Concerned Gorilla Astral Cartographer

        better change artisan goods brewing 500+ starfruit wine nets me 1.2 million every 7 days....:lickitung::lickitung::lickitung:
        • ThatNorthernMonkey

          ThatNorthernMonkey Aquatic Astronaut

          So you can't change the price at the point it is assigned, but if I were to do this in SMAPI I would hook into the InventoryChanged event. This fires every time something in your character inventory changes. I would get the item (Added, from the EventArgsInventoryChanged) and check to see if it is an Artisan Goods (category -26) then set its price manually :)
            DatRaph likes this.
          • Ankou

            Ankou Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            Thank you, I appreciate the advice and I'll have to consider it because it really is starting to look like I can't change it through the .xnb files.
            I was afraid of something like that though honestly. I'm not really a competent modder, though I suppose I can try to learn if I want to fix those overpriced goods ruining my fun with ludicrous amounts of cash.
            • Zero Zet

              Zero Zet Space Spelunker

              Wasn't Artisan Goods sale price a function of base goods' sale price?
              • ThatNorthernMonkey

                ThatNorthernMonkey Aquatic Astronaut

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