Changing pc's

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by bazzaro135, May 21, 2018.

  1. bazzaro135

    bazzaro135 Void-Bound Voyager

    My wife was hosting off my pc and I was joining via my laptop now we have switched so she could sit and be more comfortable. She is now hosting from the laptop and when I try to join the only option is to make a new farmhand but if I host from the pc my character is back on the laptop. How can I move my farmhand character to my pc?
    • nicoper

      nicoper Void-Bound Voyager

      I'm not 100% it works (I see no reason it wouldn't, though), but you can probably modify the save file manually to do this.
      Assuming you're on Windows the default directory for the save file should be %appdata%/StardewValley/Saves/<username>
      The save files have no extension, but are plaintext .xml files. You can open it using whatever text editor you prefer. Notepad works if you've got nothing else, but I'd recommend something with xml syntax highlighting.
      You should probably be able to copy all the data from the host to the other player and vice versa.

      Keep in mind that you should make a backup of the file(s) before any modifying, just in case something goes wrong.
      • bazzaro135

        bazzaro135 Void-Bound Voyager

        When I look in the save I see my character data and my new character data so what would I copy and replace?

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