Hi, I try to make my characters as unique as possible and it is a goal I have for my characters in star bound, and pushing the boundaries of character creation. I have researched a little bit and learnt little to nothing about LUA apart from what it is and how it works included I tried my hand at a couple of drawables, this making me curious of changing my characters gender through lua script instantly while using techs, I am completely useless using LUA and was wondering if anyone could tell me a script to do so? and how to apply it to custom tech?
No way doing this. You could fake the look of your player but this would use items in combination with tech lua, but this is not changing your gender... You should go for a list of functions, just look at them. They often self explain them and makes you understand a bit.
yeah I learn't that is is quite a task, having errors with animation and a whole bunch of other stuff. So i'm researching a bit of LUA hopefully i learn it. thanks anyway dudd.