Modding Help Change "Lucky Bow" Color?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by HoneyEyedGirl, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. HoneyEyedGirl

    HoneyEyedGirl Space Hobo

    Just a preference thing, is it possible for someone to change it to a dark gray/black color?
    I like really love the bow but I wanted it to look more classic to fit my character better.

    Not sure if that's possible but it bugs me enough that I thought I'd ask anyways X3.
    • sunbean

      sunbean Void-Bound Voyager

      Done! I made a version with and without the gold middle.

        Attached Files:

        HoneyEyedGirl likes this.
      • HoneyEyedGirl

        HoneyEyedGirl Space Hobo

        Really? Awesome! I'd prefer it without the gold middle. Thanks a bunch :)
        • sunbean

          sunbean Void-Bound Voyager

          Okay, I edited my first post and it should be up. :)
          • HoneyEyedGirl

            HoneyEyedGirl Space Hobo

            Oops quick question though, wheres the correct area to put the file into? I haven't modded this game yet lol.
            • sunbean

              sunbean Void-Bound Voyager

              Assuming you have Steam, it's precisely:

              C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Content\Characters\Farmer

              Otherwise find your Stardew Valley folder and paste it into the content\characters\farmer folder.

              Let me know how it works, I didn't test it.
                HoneyEyedGirl likes this.
              • HoneyEyedGirl

                HoneyEyedGirl Space Hobo

                I got it to work! It looks perfect thank you so much!
                Now I'm finally happy with my character and I can stop focusing on changing her clothes/hair all the time because something didn't look right haha, the bright green bow kept throwing me off :D Thanks again and happy modding!
                • sunbean

                  sunbean Void-Bound Voyager

                  No problem. :)

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