This is a concept idea for a new playable race called the Cephilian. They are based on Pirates/Octopuses. The racial clothing is listed from left to right as: Sailor, Rigger, Buccaneer, and Captain (Being the last four) There are different spot styles, (and ideally colors) as well as different hairstyles (I have fourteen made, only six of which are listed here). Sorry I only have figures in the same stance, I just haven't worked on any other ones yet.... I hope you enjoy and consider my idea for the game! Update 1: I have some more background info on their culture. There are two factions vying for power: The Aristocracy - A group of "Royals" who make decisions about laws on the home-world whose main goal is to keep the lower class poor..... Not very popular for obvious reasons..... The Pirates - A group of radicals trying to bring democracy and money to the lower classes.....They might get something done if they would stop fighting with each other..... You are a pirate scout sent to search for resources to aid in your cause. In hyperspace your ship malfunctions for some strange reason and stops over an isolated planet.... stupid gremlins... Update1.5: Added picks for Males Update 1.5.1: And now, our good captain Cuddlefish "Everything can be settled with a good game of Chips. And the best game of Chips is always settled in a swordfight." Update 1.6: Respawn animations are here!
i like the long as lorewise they don't hate hylotl, Because apparently everyone dislikes our amazing race.
Well they would probably love the Hylotl, given they both come from the ocean.... The Hylotl could finally have an ally
It's not true, i love you fish people! It looks interesting, but you'll need to improve it if you want this to become a thing
Here are all of the Hair styles.[DOUBLEPOST=1431572648][/DOUBLEPOST] It's more of a trading/ stealing society. They are mostly non-religious, but highly superstitious. They are spread apart and, like the florans, will sometimes fight if two groups spend too much time with one another. "Everything can be settled with a good game of Chips. And the best game of Chips is always settled in a swordfight." - Captain Cuddlefish[DOUBLEPOST=1431572712][/DOUBLEPOST] Do you have any suggestions? I am open to ideas!
a little about their biology and culture, some info about their relationship with another races, those kind of things
These are really cool looking. Octopus race have anything to do with tentacle planets? (Probably not) Can't wait to see the full write up!
TECHNICALLY, they are salamanders... Based off of the Axolotl salamander. Though I guess they can be called fish since the Axolotl is sometimes referred to as "the walking fish" due to its mostly aquatic nature. (Sorry bout that, I am very prone to this sort of "correct-all-the-posts" thing. ) On a more on-topic note, I really like this race idea! With a bit of work on the biology, lore, and culture; it could become feasible to incorrectly it into the game. After turning it into a mod of course, but that's something that we can deal with some other time. Also, any plans for some cthulu or lovecraftian references?
Actually, I don't see any reason why it has to be a mod, not that I'm trying to push it into the game, but there are currently seven playable races, with room for eight.... I'm still pretty new to this forum though, so maybe I don't quite understand how it works......
In all suggestion based cases, a race suggestion is made, then developed on A LOT, then is turned into a mod, then get a ton of support, gets noticed by the devs, and then gets incorporated into the game after a long time. A good example of this would be the novakid race.
Oh, cool..... Now I just need to learn how to make mods........[DOUBLEPOST=1431650742][/DOUBLEPOST] Just updated the info a bit.... suggestions always welcome. [DOUBLEPOST=1431653315][/DOUBLEPOST] No, I don't think they would be related.... It might even be funny if Cephilians were superstitious of the tentacle planets.....
I kind of like this. Now we can finally have space pirates. Kind of reminds me of the space pirates from that one episode of Futurama.
2 things I love, octopi and pirates Now all I need is scientist spiders and my life will be complete But still, excellent idea
Would you require any help with the lore writing side of things? I have been working on the Drozolian race recently but am always up for more tasks/challenges. feel free to PM me
Not true! I was like you, once, quick to jump on the idea that I must be wary of other races. Clearly, they're all jealous, I thought... but it turns out a wide number of non-Florans are openly curious and hungry for friendly debate! There is such beauty in hope, my friend. Back on topic, the universe certainly needs more sentient sealife. Did you know the human's home planet was practically ALL WATER? And yet they still evolved as a LAND-based species! Isn't that outrageous!?