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RELEASED Castlevania 1.3.2

Objects ripped from Castlevania games + a few misc things

  1. Ishrindor

    Ishrindor Cosmic Narwhal

    I like the elevator.
    Now to wait till you add that into the pack
  2. mastercookie

    mastercookie Existential Complex

    mastercookie updated Castlevania Furniture with a new update entry:


    Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. Sir mudkip

    Sir mudkip Phantasmal Quasar

    dye mod you link to is out of date :(
  4. mastercookie

    mastercookie Existential Complex

    yea but theres no updated version.
    actually the one i link to works, u have to delete "other" folder in the dyemod (it contains the dyes)
    heres the path: Starbound\giraffe_storage\mods\DyeMod\items\generic

    UPDT: Updated front page a bit
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2016
  5. mastercookie

    mastercookie Existential Complex

    mastercookie updated Castlevania Furniture with a new update entry:


    Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. alan88

    alan88 Void-Bound Voyager

    Looks awesome,but i tried to download and got external download site..i hate these because of the shit pages that popup..Then download failed it said script stopped working or something.
    very disapointed coz i wanted the download..fix the damn download or im 0 stars.
  7. Ishrindor

    Ishrindor Cosmic Narwhal

    I can do a reup on it through my dropbox account if you don't have any issue with Dropbox.
    If MasterCookie doesn't mind me doing a reup via dropbox and posting the link here.
  8. mastercookie

    mastercookie Existential Complex

    yea sure reup if u wish, i definitely not gonna do this for some twat who threatens me with some stars :nurumad:
    though in general i'd love to post via forum, but theres 2mb limit
  9. Ishrindor

    Ishrindor Cosmic Narwhal

    mastercookie likes this.
  10. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    While you are at it, have you considered something like Castlevania tenants? Granted I haven't looked into the tenant system much to know how plausible that is. I'm assuming you'd start with humans and have them equipped with things that make them look like Castlevania characters, Possibly even including Castlevania type weapons?

    Maybe that's too much work. I haven't looked into what the new weapon system entails either. I'm just shooting off ideas without knowing how much would be involved in their execution nor if you would even want to mess with it.
    mastercookie likes this.
  11. mastercookie

    mastercookie Existential Complex

    well the thing is theres no armor or weapons in this mod yet (just shields), thats why i renamed it 'castlevania furniture', so ppl dont get wrong ideas.
    i've been trying to add weapons and throwables, but they need to be balanced and game keeps changing, plus i havent properly played sb for quite some time now.
    so of course its a very good idea, but my lack of motivation and laziness are in the way :(
    bk3k likes this.
  12. Bloody_Kain

    Bloody_Kain Phantasmal Quasar

    Too bad that there is no World Editor for Starbound out now for instance Planets.
    Would be great to rebuild for example the Castlevania from Symphony of the Nights.

    Naturaly there would be Problems with the Transformations, the Monsters, the Ambient Musics, Sounds and Backgrounds.
    But maybe, after the 1.0 Launch...

    Let's hope for the Future. ^^

    (And then there are this nasty Copyright Problems... But thats a story for another Day... or Night. ^^ )
    mastercookie likes this.
  13. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    Very well understood. I have quite a few things I'm going to work on "tomorrow."
  14. NaturesWitness

    NaturesWitness Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I was wondering, someone just made a mod called "Planetary Clocks" that adds functioning clocks. Is there any chance you could use the code from it to make the giant clock faces functional?
  15. mastercookie

    mastercookie Existential Complex

    yea, it looks pretty nice, i should check it more closely when (or if) im doing another update......
    right now im neck deep in one particular farming game, so nice to play smth thats actually finished :)

    if u wanna tinker with it, i can provide u with clock files (with separate hands and clockface)
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
  16. NaturesWitness

    NaturesWitness Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've been watching some videos of Stardew Valley, it looks like a pretty fun game. I'll probably pick it up eventually, not sure when though. I should probably finish the games I have first, I've got Rune Factory 2 and 3 and never finished them :) They're both pretty fun.
    I probably wouldn't be able to do anything with the files, I don't really have any knowledge of coding.
  17. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    noooo come back to the starboooound!
  18. mastercookie

    mastercookie Existential Complex

    havent left :)
  19. NaturesWitness

    NaturesWitness Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    One very minor quibble on this, it's slightly annoying how all the food decorations also show up on the kitchen crafting menu. Since they're all decorations, they feel out of place on the kitchen menu. Also,you end up having to scroll past the entire list every time you want to cook regular stuff.
    It's not a big deal, but I just wanted to mention it. I absolutely love the mod though, makes building bases SO much cooler!
    mastercookie likes this.
  20. mastercookie

    mastercookie Existential Complex

    wow ive no idea that happens :( guess using 'kitchen' tag wasnt too bright.....
    gonna fix later today, thx for pointing that out!

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