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Capturing Threat level 10 miniboss?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Jade_T, Dec 13, 2013.

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  1. Jade_T

    Jade_T Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi guys, I was wondering if any of you have caught a level 10 mini boss yet? I wasted about 40 of the capture pods, and still no luck. Is it possible to even catch a threat level 10 miniboss? I bring them down to 1 bar of life left and encase them, and throw away. Still no luck though :p
  2. AdamJ

    AdamJ Big Damn Hero

    You have to lower their health, and then use this:

    Only way.
  3. Jade_T

    Jade_T Void-Bound Voyager

    I do bring their health bar down to 1 left. I just haven't been able to get a threat 10 miniboss in the actual egg. I was wondering if anyone had any luck getting a mini boss of that level in their capture pod.

    I have caught other creatures. I just want a strong miniboss as a pet :p
  4. Khrono

    Khrono Big Damn Hero

    My understanding was that you can only capture "small" creatures as indicated in the tooltip.

  5. Zexis

    Zexis Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You can only capture tiny creatures and no bigger. As far as I can tell, get their health below 50% and then throw a pod. If it doesn't work the first time, you can't capture it at all.
  6. AdamJ

    AdamJ Big Damn Hero

    You've actually been forcing injured creatures to listen to the pokemon theme?!?!

    You sadistic...
    Exxil3d and Dust like this.
  7. MyLittleBurger

    MyLittleBurger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What about the penguins minions? Can those be put into a capture ball? I want to try and get one of the ones that have a machine gun/rocket launcher, or even maybe a tank.
  8. Jade_T

    Jade_T Void-Bound Voyager

    Lol I see, thanks for the tips guys. I've been trying on small and large creatues alike. Still no luck. If I do manage to get a miniboss, I"ll post back here :)
  9. AdamJ

    AdamJ Big Damn Hero

    Seriously though, check the client files to make sure there's no "uncaptureable" tag or the like on creatures.
  10. Thedesertwolf

    Thedesertwolf Aquatic Astronaut

    I like digging under ones I'm interested in capturing, encasing them in magmastone, making a 2x2 hole at "chuck the ball" height and just giving it a go, after a good thwack or two with a sniper rifle that is. Might help, might not.

    Don't believe it works on the planet mini-bosses though. Rather certain those are "not able to be captured"
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2013
  11. Jade_T

    Jade_T Void-Bound Voyager

    After a bit of experimenting, it seems you can only capture "small" monsters. I mean tiny ones. Flying monsters do not count though.Thanks for all of the feedback and tips guys, I much appreciated it :)
  12. Justanzo

    Justanzo Cosmic Narwhal

    Actually, you CAN capture other monsters (including mini-bosses) IF you have a mod that lets you do so. Someone posted a screenshot of this a few days ago, though I'm not sure what he did. I'm not a modder.
  13. Birg

    Birg Tentacle Wrangler

  14. Kaillera

    Kaillera Big Damn Hero

    just add the captivestate.lua into the other monsters.
  15. Drewdawg

    Drewdawg Big Damn Hero

    The one thing I hate about pods is they have no AOE. I'm constantly wasting materials to try and capture one monster because it jumps away or my pod accidentally hits another block.
  16. Danijal

    Danijal Void-Bound Voyager

    Tried adding "/monsters/ground/captiveState.lua" into quadruped monstertype file, doesn't work.
  17. Kaillera

    Kaillera Big Damn Hero

    single player? it affects serverside. if ur not on a server with it, it fails.
  18. angelol

    angelol Master Chief

    You have to add captiveState and captureHealthFraction plus killsPerLevel! Then it will work just fine. Youll have to add these lines to every monstertype file of the type of monster that you want to capture. Threat level 10 minibosses wipe the floor with everything though. Especially those fast charging types.

    So if you were to edit tallbipedminiboss.monstertype it should look like this below baseparameters/scripts


    "scriptDelta" : 5,

    "territoryDistance" : 40.0,
    "territorialTargetRadius" : 20.0,
    "minimalTargetRadius" : 6.0,
    "targetSearchTime" : 0.5,
    "targetHoldTime" : 5.0,

    "closeDistance" : 1.5,

    "wanderTime" : [4.0, 6.0],
    "wanderMovementTime" : [2.0, 3.0],

    "idleSoundTime" : [45.0, 60.0],
    "painSoundTimer" : 2.0,

    "jumpTargetDistance" : 4,
    "jumpTime" : [0.8, 1.4],

    "knockoutTime" : 0.5,
    "knockoutEffect" : "blink",
    "deathParticles" : "deathPoof",
    "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/bubble_pop.wav" ],

    "exhaustionTimer" : 3.0,
    "exhaustionTimeout" : 3.0,
    "exhaustionDistanceLimit" : 1.0,

    "wanderJumpProbability" : 0.1,

    "captureHealthFraction" : 0.5,
    "killsPerLevel" : 20
    Danijal likes this.
  19. BobdaBiscuit

    BobdaBiscuit Big Damn Hero

    Has anyone actually got this to work, we're discussing the lua errors it throws in the Modding section.
  20. Thedesertwolf

    Thedesertwolf Aquatic Astronaut

    Not that I've seen so far. Looks like people are still attempting to work that out.

    Not certain how much I like the idea of capturing minibosses as they can essentially terminate entire dungeon complexes by themselves. Suppose if there was some alteration in the mechanic (Say requiring a significantly increased resource to make a "boss" capture device) it would be more feasible and less game breaking. -> See the use of impervium and solarium over iron as to indicate the increase in difficulty of the creatures themselves.

    Actually those boss monsters need a bit of fandangling with as starts with. They really need to be able to break certain blocks to actually give them a challenge rating. I have, multiple times, surrounded them with dirt and just slipped my sniper rifles muzzle into the mouth and just slowly played the game of shoot the fish in the barrel. Having them capable of breaking dirt or standard cobblestone during their charges/body slams/lightning breath/blood vomit ect would make fighting them more interesting. Then again you could always just stuff the bugger into a cage made out of obsidian or anything else blast resistant and just rinse and repeat.

    ... didn't terraria have most of the bosses as part of a layer between the background and the foreground, allowing them to run between the two freely? May want to look into that too. Maybe.
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