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Can't start the game!!

Discussion in 'Support' started by Pandachops, Apr 23, 2016.

  1. Pandachops

    Pandachops Intergalactic Tourist

    Ok so I posted this before but think the thread has been deleted or disappeared into the ether... please see below image, what on earth do I do?! Desperately want to waste my whole weekend playing this

    • ssokolow

      ssokolow Cosmic Narwhal

      First, what kind of GPU do you have? We don't want to have to walk you through every possible problem and solution when some only apply to certain people.

      Second, since it's considered good manners to do your research before asking for personalized help, type HiDef into the search box in the top-right corner while viewing the support forum. (this link should also do it)

      Given how distinctive that keyword is, you'll get a list of all threads where anyone has quoted the error message you screenshotted. (11 of them when I checked)
      • Pandachops

        Pandachops Intergalactic Tourist

        Yes, thanks! I certainly attempted to do my research (been trying for about 6 weeks) but I had to google what gpu was and how to find it! That's how clueless I am... the other threads don't mean anything to me :( I wish they did. But anyway, I got this which should help?! I think...

        • dk2020

          dk2020 Space Penguin Leader

          In that dxdiag gui that you posted a picture of, can you click that save all information button. It should ask you to save the txt version of all the info. That txt file (dxdiag.txt) would have all the information about your graphics card. if you could upload that it would be best. Your image just tells us you have a celeron with dx11 but not what graphics card you have. If you rather post images, the display tab would be of great help, so click the display tab and grab a picture of that.

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