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Bug/Issue Can't see my friend moving in multiplayer

Discussion in 'Support' started by YohaneNico, May 13, 2018.

  1. YohaneNico

    YohaneNico Yeah, You!

    I was wondering if there is a fix for this or if anyone else has experienced a similar problem, because I haven't seen a single other person have this issue.

    I live in America and my friend lives in Australia so I'm assuming that might be part of why this issue happens. But we can play and interact with one another for a bit but eventually he always stops moving on my screen, and if I try to give him an item or try to sleep it'll say "waiting for other players" forever until he leaves. When he freezes on my screen he can still see me move and do things but he just stands there frozen forever for me. Same issue happens both ways depending on who's hosting.

    And for the record we have no issues playing any other online game together, so it's definitely a stardew valley specific problem. I really hope there's a way to fix this or it gets fixed once the beta is over. Anybody have any recommendations or does anyone else have any issues similar to this? We've uninstalled and reinstalled as well, and we don't have any mods.
    • lilpoggies

      lilpoggies Space Hobo

      Hi, did you manage to solve that? Some friends and I are having the exact same problem, the third player keeps moving but we can't see him and he freezes on the screen for us.
      • Pangaea

        Pangaea Forum Moderator

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