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Can't open door during Sebastian 6 heart event

Discussion in 'Support' started by ziggurism, Sep 26, 2018.

  1. ziggurism

    ziggurism Intergalactic Tourist

    During my Sebastian 6 heart event, I can see Sebastian and Sam inside Sebastian's bedroom, at the table, playing their game. But I'm stuck outside the bedroom door, which is closed.

    I don't know if it's related to another bug I've seen reported about this event, where you can't select options during the event, but it's not obviously the same. I never even got any dialogue cause I never entered the room.

    In the end I skipped the event.

    How come the door wasn't open? I followed Sebastian in from the kitchen. So maybe Sebastian was in his basement, but not yet through his bedroom door. Maybe if I'd waited longer, it would've worked properly?

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